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"It's been a long time since I went to a festival like this. I think the last time was with my friends at highschool." You said to Jin as you looked around at the crowd there.

"Me too." Jin said, "I've never gone to a fireworks festival before, thanks for taking me out." He said again, looking so excited.

It was a crowded festival, with lots of booths along the river, selling lots of things from food, arts, souvenirs, and many other things. Lots of people came here from locals to tourists since it was a famous Autumn festival of the year.

"Yes, It's kinda fun walking around in the crowd like this sometimes." You grinned at him, feeling his excitement spread to you.

You walked with Jin enjoying the sunny afternoon there, looking around at the booths and the various people.

"Hey, is that a balloon dart game ?" Jin said, pointing at the games booth not far from you, "Let's take a look," He said again, walking towards there.

You followed him to the games booth which had lots of various carnival games. At first you thought Jin just wanted to look around, but it ended up with Jin and you played all the games there.


"Woohoo, that was so fun !" Jin said, waving a bag full of souvenir prizes that you guys won, "I love this festival !" He said again, cheering happily, making you laugh at him.

"I'm kinda hungry," He said again, "You want to eat now ?"

"Sure, I'm starving." You said, "I guess I spent all my energy on those games earlier." You chuckled.

Jin then bought you both some snacks from one of the food stalls there, and you both ate them while walking along the street.

"I think it's my best day ever in Korea so far." Jin said, eating his food delightfully, couldn't stop smiling.

"Really ?" You chuckled at him, "I'm glad you enjoyed today, I have lots of fun too."

"Ouch," You groaned, when a passerby accidentally hit your shoulders.

Jin then reflexively pulled your shoulders slightly to switch his position with you. Now he was on the outside of the road, blocking you from the passersby.

"Yeah I love to walk around at open places like this, it's kinda boring to stay inside the office everyday." He said.

"Don't get me wrong, I love my job but I'm a free-spirited type of guy, so I need to do some outside activities to balance my office work." He explained.

"What do you like to do ?" You asked him while finishing your food.

"I like to go fishing," He said, "I often went fishing with my dad and brother back in NZ, ah the good old times." He smiled, remembering his moment with his family back then.

"That sounds interesting, I've never gone fishing before." You said to him.

"I'll take you someday, when we have another free time." He grinned at you, "You won't regret it."

"Alright, then next trip is going fishing !" You said as you both laughed.


The festival was getting more and more crowded now as the day got darker. The fireworks were starting soon and people started gathering around to get the best seeing spot.

"Wow crazy, it's just getting more crowded." Jin said, looking at the bustling crowd around.

"Yeah, because the fireworks will start soon." You said, checking on your watch.

"Let's find a nice spot to watch the fireworks." He said again, "Don't get separated."

And with that Jin took your hand and pulled you closer, making you a bit startled. He kept holding your hand while walking through the bustling crowd, making sure you weren't separated from him, and he always protected you from getting hit by passersby as you walked close behind him, protected by his broad shoulders.

You felt your face blushed, his caring little gestures made you feel somewhat special. But you tried to shake it off, he was just being a gentleman and that was it.

Jin finally found a nice spot at the riverside and you both stood there among the crowd, waiting for the fireworks to start. He kept holding your hands but when the fireworks started, he pulled his hands to take his phone and record the moment, making you feel a little pang in your heart.

You looked at him who looked at the fireworks with glimmering eyes. You saw the colorful light reflected from his face as he smiled excitedly, a genuine happiness in his eyes. He looked at you, mouthing a little thank you and smiled widely before looking back at the sky again. You smiled back at him as you also felt a warm happiness in your heart.


Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now