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have you finished your work shift ?
i'm around the neighborhood now
maybe we can meet ?

You read the messages from Jin on your phone. It was 7.15 right now and your shift would end at 7.30, so you replied to his message telling him to come to your workplace and waited for you for a while.

When you were finally done with your work and changing your uniform, you got out and found him waiting at the bench in front of the convenience store, sitting there and waving at you.

"Hi," Jin said, smiling at you when you got to sit beside him, "You must be tired. Have you eat ?" He asked.

You waved the plastic bag in your hand at him. You then took out some cup noodles and cold drinks from there.

"My dinner. I bought some for you too, you want ?" You asked him and he nodded, so you prepared the cup noodles for both of you there.

"Yaa... Korean cup noodles are the best," Jin said while slurping his noodles delightfully.

"Why I just discovered this delicacy now. Where have I been ?" He said again, now eating his second cup.

"Don't tell me it's your first time eating cup noodles." You looked at him in disbelief as he just nodded and kept eating happily, "Really ?" You widen your eyes.

"Geez, this is like my daily meal." You said again, "I almost eat this everyday."

"Ya, for real ?!" He asked you, surprised.

"I know it tastes good, but too much instant food isn't good for your health, you know." He said again, "You don't cook ?"

"I don't have much time," You shrugged, "This is more convenient and a lot cheaper. I need to save some money, you know." You said nonchalantly.

"Well, cooking doesn't have to be complicated," He looked at you.

"I can teach you to cook simple food that's easy and doesn't need much ingredients. I'm pretty good at cooking." He said, but you just looked at him lazily, the idea of cooking didn't really interest you.

"Aish c'mon !" He hit your shoulders lightly, "You're free this weekend, right ? Come to my place and I'll teach you how to cook some of my secret recipes." He said again, giving you his big smile and wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

You just chuckled at his silly face and finally gave up.



Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now