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"I'm silly," You said, "For ever think that I might have a chance with Jin."

You were back at the cemetery, standing in front of your brother's grave. The graveyard felt so quiet as there was no one there. You felt the cold autumn wind and tightened your coat.

"I should've listened to my logic. I know someone like me would never end up with someone like him. I just made a fool of myself."

"So on my birthday, I found out that he already had a fiance," You sighed, "Her name is Jisoo and she's so pretty, the type of girl that suits him well."

"What a great birthday surprise." You said flatly.

"I don't know that heartbreak would feel this hurtful, oppa." You said, "It's so hurt I wished you could be here with me to comfort me." You sighed again, trying to hold the tears that formed in your eyes.

"I don't know what to do, will I be able to move on and just forget him ?"


Jin's POV


I tried to run after Lucé outside my house, but she was already out of sight. So here I was, in my car, looking around for her.

I had searched for her in her apartment and workplace, but she wasn't there. I was thinking of looking around her campus but I thought it must be impossible that she would be there since it was Sunday today.

"Damn Lucé, where are you ?" I said frustratedly, hitting the steering wheel.

Then I remembered something.

Her comfort place.

I knew, she must be there.


Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now