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"Yaa... these chickens look great," He said, putting the food tray on the table in front of you.

You were here at the Chicken Master, a small restaurant not far from the cemetery. This place was famous for its fried chicken, and always packed with customers especially at lunchtime.

"You've never been here before ? This place is so famous for its fried chicken." You said while taking a bite of the chicken.

"Yaa... no wonder it tastes so delicious." He said again while eating his chicken delightfully.

"Oh by the way, we haven't know each other. My name is Seokjin, but just call me Jin." He said.

"Uhm... ah... I'm sorry my hand's dirty, I can't..." He stuttered as he couldn't shake your hand because of his dirty hands.

"That's okay." You chuckled.

"I'm Lucé. Nice to meet you, Jin." 

He smiled at you and you smiled back at him. He was a nice looking guy, a cute smile with slightly squinty eyes and short dark brown hair, you could say that he was quite handsome. And from the way he dressed himself with a casual shirt and dapper suit, you could tell that he must come from the rich.

"So... I've never seen anyone come visit that grave before." You said to him, trying to make any conversation.

"Ah yes, I just got back from my study abroad here to Korea. And I don't have any close relatives here, so that's why that grave is kinda neglected." He said.

"Do you mind if I ask whose grave is that ?" You asked, a bit curious.

"That's my mom's. She passed away years ago, way back when I was little." He said, still munching his food.

"Oh, sorry. My condolences." You said faintly.

"It's okay, it's a long time ago." He smiled at you, "What about you ? May I know whose grave you always visited ?"

"That's my brother's. He passed away two years ago because of a car accident." You told him.

"Sorry." He said, giving you a sympathetic smile.

You both continued your eating, looking for anything else to talk about.

"So, you live around here ?" He asked again.

"Not really, my apartment is around three stations from here. In Sinchon district, near to my university."

"Oh, so you're a college student ?"

"Yes, my last year." You said, wiping your hands as you both finished eating.

"I think we better go now, there's a lot of people waiting for the empty table." You said again, looking at the long queue outside the restaurant.

"Thanks for the lunch." You smiled at him when you both got outside of the restaurant.

"I have to go now, I have class this afternoon." You said while checking on your watch.

"No worries." He said.

"Hey if you don't mind, may I have your number ? I really don't have any friends here in Korea. I hope you can be my first friend." He said again while looking at you hesitantly.


And with that you both exchanged your phone number, before you left him there to the nearest MRT station.


Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now