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can i meet you after work ?

You looked at the message you just received, it was from Jin. You considered for a while, but then decided that there was nothing wrong with you going out with him, you didn't have any plans tonight anyway.

So you messaged him back, telling him to meet you at the park near to your campus this afternoon.

"Hi," Jin said, waving while walking towards you, "Nice to see you again." He said, smiling warmly at you.

"Nice to see you too," You said, smiling back at him.

"I hope I don't bother you though, it's just I feel so bored that everyday after work I just go straight home." He said shyly, scratching his head, "Still haven't made any friends here, and my colleagues are kinda busy with their family after work."

"No worries, I don't have any other plans anyway." You shrugged.

Both of you then had a walk around the park, took a look at the shops along the way and tried some foods from the food stalls there.

"So how's your day today ?" Jin asked while eating the food you guys just bought earlier.

"Nothing special," You said, biting your food too, "I have class this morning, and after that I went to my brother's grave."

"You kinda come to the graveyard often, huh ?" 

"Yes, it's my comfort place."

"That's quite unique." He smiled, "What are you doing there ?"

"Umm... Just talking to my brother about my daily life, and if the weather is nice, I like to just sit around there." You told him.

"And what do you do in your free time ?" Jin asked, throwing his food trash to the bin near there as you both walked at the sidewalk.

"I like to read." You said, "But I'm thinking of taking another part time job as my professor's assistant, besides my job now. The pay's quite good." You said again, following next to him.

"You really are a hard worker." He said, looking at you, "You don't like to hang out with your friends ?" He asked again.

"Yeah... sometimes, but I don't have many friends," You chuckled, "And I'm kinda a loner person."

"What about you ?" You asked him, "How's your life been going ?"

"I'm still adapting with my work and everything here." He shrugged, "Everything feels so different here, the culture, the people." He said.

"But you like it here ?" 

"Yeah, I like it so far. The food is the best." He said, smiling at you.

"But I have to admit the work is kinda stressful, I still have to learn a lot." He sighed and brushed his hair abruptly.

You looked at Jin and felt a little bad for him. You knew it must had been hard for him to be alone in a new country, doing new stuff and have no friends around to talk to. You felt like you wanted to help him a little.

"Umm hey, there will be a fireworks festival at the Hangang River Park on Saturday, you wanna come ?" You asked him.

"We can go together and hang out there, I think we both need some fun to release our stress." You said again, shrugged at him.

"Sure, I would like to," He said, looking at you excitedly.

"Great," You smiled at him, "Then I'll meet you there at 5 in the afternoon ?" 

"I can pick you up and we can go there together if you want ?" He offered you.

"No thanks, I don't want to bother you." You waved your hand, smiled politely to him.

"Really, it's nothing." He smiled reassuringly at you as you sighed and smiled back at him.

"Fine then."


Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now