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hey lucé
you free tonight ?
wanna join me for dinner ?

hi jin
i would like to
but sorry i can't
have lots of homework tonight

i just about to ask you out
to try the new restaurant near my place
they specialized in wagyu rice
can you imagine that
the soft wagyu beef melted in your mouth..
mixed with sweet spicy sauce..
and hot fluffy steamed rice..

You looked at your phone and gulped.

Dammit this guy !
Why does he have to tempt me like this !

You looked back to your table with lots of books and papers scattered there. You really wanted to go out with him but your homeworks just wouldn't let you do that.

You sighed and typed again on your phone.

stop it !
don't tempted me

so ?

sorry.. but i really can't
the deadline's tomorrow
i'll just have to be satisfied
with cup noodles tonight

aish !
why you still eat that ?
don't you cook ?
i've teached you, right ?
i'm sad

no no !
i've been cooking lately
it's just
i really don't have time today

alright, alright

You felt bad for what you just said. You really didn't want him to think that he had wasted his time by teaching you cooking. You really had been cooking lately, but today you got so busy you even forgot that you hadn't had dinner tonight.

what about next week ?
you're free ?

i'm free next week
umm actually
it's my birthday next week

really ?
when ?

on sunday
november 8th

ya !
we have to celebrate it !
let's throw a little party
at my place

you don't have to

no no
i insist
you just have to come
and i'll prepare everything

You looked at your phone, smiling like a fool. It would be so great to spend your birthday together with Jin, why did he have to be so nice and kind ?

alright, then
thank you

no worries
do you mind
if i invite jisoo too ?

You felt your heart sink a bit. You thought it would be just you and Jin, but of course he had to invite Jisoo too.

That was okay, Jisoo was a nice person and she became your friend too, it would be great to have her around.

sure !
the more the merrier

great !
see you next week
can't wait

You chuckled to yourself as you too couldn't wait to meet him next week. You had to prepare your best look for that day !

and hey
i'll order you some delivery
from chicken master
i'm ordering it right now
don't eat cup noodles tonight

yaa !
you don't have to !

done !
just wait for it on your front door
have a great time doing your homework

Aish ! Why did he also have to be so caring for you too ? You felt like you couldn't hold your feelings anymore. You really really like this guy.

And what about that little heart icon at the end of his message ? Did that heart mean something ? That you might have a chance with Jin ? Or he just accidentally typed it ?

Whatever it was, it surely did brighten up your mood to do your endless homework with a non stop smile on your face.


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