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Few days later, you coincidentally met Jin at the cemetery again. As usual, he was there alone at the graveyard talking to his mother's tombstone.

You walked past him and greeted him as he greeted you back, and after you both had done with your visiting time, you both decided to have lunch together again.

"I really want to eat that chicken master again, but that place is too crowded. We can't enjoy our time there for too long." Jin said when you both walked outside the cemetery.

"Well, we can order for take out and just eat at the park. There's a park not far from there." You gave him a suggestion.

"That's a great idea."


"I like eating at parks like this, reminding me of my hometown." Jin said, looking around the park excitedly.

You and Jin were now sitting on the bench under a shady tree at the corner of the park. You could see some people there too, just enjoying their time around. The nice weather and views, making this park a nice place to have some picnics.

"You're hometown ?" You asked while opening your food box.

"Ah yeah, even though I was born in Korea, my family moved to New Zealand when I was little, not long after my mom died." He said, "So I always consider New Zealand as my hometown, since I only spent a little time here in Korea."

"So what makes you come back here ?" You asked again, looking at him.

"My dad runs a food export business, and one of the branches is here in Korea. So after I finished college, my dad thought it would be good to send me back here and take care of the business, while my brother took care of the main company back in New Zealand." He explained while eating his food.

So you were right, he was coming from a wealthy family.

"So you also have a brother ?"

"Yes, big brother. Two years older than me." He said, licking his smudged fingers.

"What about you, do you have any siblings other than your late brother ?" He asked.

"Nope, it's just me and him." You said, shrugged.

"What about your parents, do they also live here in Seoul ?" He asked again.

"My parents died when I was little. Also in a car accident."

"I'm sorry." He said sympathetically, "It must've been so hard for you though." He gave you a slight smile.

"Yes, but I think I was too little to understand everything at that time. What hurt me most was when I lost my brother, he's like everything to me." You sighed, smiling back at him.

"So you're all alone now ?" He asked, looking at you.

"No, I still have some relatives who's taking care of me." You said, continuing your eating, "I lived with my aunt before, she's so nice to me and my brother. But when I was a freshman in college, I decided to move out." You said again.

"Oh yeah, you said you're a college student." Jin said, remembering your words before, "So what uni did you go to ?"

"I go to Yonsei University, majoring in law." You told him.

"Wow, that's great. I heard it's quite a prestigious university here, right ?" He said, looking at you impressed.

"Yes, I have to work my ass off to keep my scholarship while doing my part time job, though." You chuckled.

"Oh, what do you do ?" He asked, eating his food again.

"Now I work as a cashier at a convenience store near my apartment." You told him, "Before I've also worked as a waitress at the coffee shop, cashier at a fast food restaurant, basically anything as long as I can pay my bills." You shrugged nonchalantly.

"Wow you're such a hard worker," He said, still looking at you with an impressed face, "Kudos to you, Lucé !" He said again, giving you his two thumbs up, making you chuckle at him.

You spent the day there with Jin, having your lunch whilst casually talking about everything and getting to know each other a bit more.


Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now