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On Sunday morning, you really came to Jin's house as he kept reminding you to come to his place these past few days.

His house was located in the Itaewon area, the hip district where the expats usually live. It wasn't so big as he only lived alone, but very modern and clean.

You came inside as you looked around to the sleek interior of the house. His house was kinda minimalist, didn't have much unnecessary furniture but yet felt comfortable and homey.

You followed Jin to his open kitchen area, and amazed to see that he already prepared all the stuff needed for today. He would seriously teach you some cooking !

"I'll teach you some simple recipes today. Do you like fried rice ?" He asked, looking at you and you nodded to him.

"Great, then we'll start with garlic egg fried rice." He said again and prepared the ingredients needed.

Jin then showed you how to cook some simple food, and like he said before, the recipes were quite easy for beginners like you. 

"So who taught you cooking ?" You asked him while chopping some vegetables for the next recipe, "Was it your dad ?"

"No, actually my brother and I kinda taught ourselves how to cook. By trial and error." He chuckled, "My dad was busy working, so we tried not to bother him."

"You seem close to your brother." You said again.

"Yes we are. It was just the two of us when we first arrived in New Zealand, just two little kids with no friends around, so we practically spent our time just with each other a lot." He chuckled again, remembering his childhood.

Both of you then continued your work without much talking as you focused on your task. These cooking and all the preparation process were kinda new for you, so you tried to do it carefully.

"You're so nice, you know." You suddenly said to him, "You really don't have to spend your weekend with me, teaching me all these. I feel like I bothered you a lot."

"It's okay, I don't have any other plans anyway." He said, "And I like to spend my time with you." He smiled at you, making you a bit blushed.

"You're too kind." You said, tried to hide your blushed face.

"It's nothing, really." He chuckled, "I know how it feels to live alone, my dad and brother are always kinda busy. And I found my interest in cooking, I would be very happy if this can help you too." He said again, smiling widely at you.

You looked at his smile and felt a weird warm feeling in your heart. This guy was so nice and kind to you, never before had a guy been this kind to you beside your late brother. You felt like you had a strange feeling towards him, but you weren't so sure. 

You tried to go back focusing on your task, chopping the vegetables, forgetting your distracted mind.

"Ouch !" You suddenly said as you accidentally cut your fingers.

"Hey, you okay ?" Jin immediately came to you, checking the wound.

He held your bleeding fingers as he examined the wound, and suddenly he did something that melted your heart. He licked your wounded fingers and kept them in his mouth for a while, before he pecked them with a kiss. 

"I'll go grab some band-aid." He said, leaving you there alone at the kitchen with your flushed face and racing heartbeat.

You were now sure about your feelings.

You had fallen for Seokjin.


Love, From the Graveyard • KSJWhere stories live. Discover now