F O U R T Y - T W O

794 45 17

My YouTube recommended is getting scary. Actually, does anyone even listen to the music things?  Why do I put them?

It took Katsuki an hour before he was able to return to class. His eyes were still bloodshot, but no one looked at him long enough for that. According to Aizawa, his boyfriend had been sent to class before his mother had shown up.

As he made his way back to class, he made sure to take as long as possible. His ribs hurt from where the idiotic kid had hit him. But that pain had become a dull ache in the back of his mind. Like any other bruise. Katsuki rubbed his nose, so gente that his fingers only grazed the surface. He'd been hit plenty of times to know that with the force the shitty teen put behind it that he'd have at the very least a nasty bruise.

He slid open the door to his classroom. Crossing the classroom to his seat was the single most embarrassing thing he'd ever done. He looked at the floor, hands stuffed in his pockets. He sat in his seat, the twitching downward of his lips the only reaction he couldn't control. Damn, that teen hit hard. Katsuki glanced over at see Kaminari. He could feel many eyes on him, but he focused on his boyfriend. Kaminari looked bad. His lip was still bleeding if the way he held a tissue to it was an indication. There was a forming red mark on the teen's cheek. Katsuki could barely make it out, but he knew what to look for; how to identify the beginnings of injuries before they got bad. 

Katsuki wondered what had happened after he'd passed out. He'd have to ask his teacher later. 

Speaking of his teacher, the man stood at the front of the room, writing on the board. Katsuki tried to read it but with the man in the way, it was nearly impossible.

Aizawa turned around. "This lesson is usually taught later, but it's relevant, so I'm going to ignore the curriculum. Being a hero requires determination towards a goal. Everyone has a goal, be it 'become number one', 'make enough money to be set for life' or 'be known by all'. I want you all to write your goals and explain them" The hero handed a few papers to each person in the front seats and they were passed back. It was a simple lined paper. His teacher continued. "Obviously, you will have multiple goals, but as you think of them, notice any pattern"

"Like what kind of pattern" Ochako asked

"It's if you find you list looking like there's a repeating theme. happiness, achievement, protection, fame; everyone has something. For example, if your top three are 'be number one', 'start a hero agency', and 'make enough money to live on comfortably'; that'd be an achievement type of goal. Another example would be if your goals looked more like a protection oriented view. They might be 'become strong', 'help others', and 'defend others'. You've got the rest of the block to work on this"

Immediately, Katsuki got to work writing his name and the bullet points on the paper. Now what? What even were his goals? He wanted to be number one and he wanted to save other kids who were hurt at like him. And... what else? Was that all he wanted? Katsuki could only stare at the last bullet points in frustration. He was so shallow that he only had two goals?

He sat there, staring at the paper in hopes that he'd somehow think of another reason. Oh. He did have one. Katsuki scribbled down the last reason before handing it forward like everyone was doing now. 


Putote collapsed into Touya's hold. It was Friday night and he'd made through mistake of staying home too late waiting for his father. Mother had caught him and forced him into that guest room. That goddamned guest room. Putote wanted to burn that room, he wanted to remove it from this planet.

"Where's it hurt? Does anything need stitches?" Touya asked him. Putote had never told the brother-like man about the guest room. He didn't want the man to worry more than he already did.

So he just shook his head, attempting to ignore the searing pain shooting through him. He wanted sake.

As if sensing his thoughts, Touya pulled out a juice box. The man didn't like how Putote used the drink, but never stopped him. They'd created a good method of hiding such things. The box was filled with half sake, half fruit punch from the box. Touya used a lighter to unseal and reseal the box so they it seemed normal. 

Touya only let him have a ratio of half sake to half juice. No more sake than that. Only one box, when required. The man had told him that eventually they'd slim it down so that he didn't want it anymore. Purote didn't have the heart to tell the man that his source of the alcoholic beverage wasn't limited to the juice boxes. 

Putote didn't dare tell the neighborhood kids what it was, but he had a theory that  some of the adults could figure it out. He never got drunk, curtsey of his fast metabolism and quirk, but his cheeks would flush if he drank a little too much. 

He poked the straw through and drank. It gone in a few seconds. Far too fast and far too little. His breath hitched. "Touy– Touya?"

"Yeah, kid?"

"Can I... still be a hero like this?"

Purote was hugged into Touya's warm embrace. "You can always be a hero, I believe in you. You'll be the number one. The hero of hope. Nothing can change that. I love you, kid"

"I love you too, Touya" He sniffled back. Touya carried him to block 16, Purote's legs wrapped around the man's hips and his arms wound around the redhead's neck.

Word Count: 1030

I'm highkey running out of filler ideas. I've got two more arcs [after this one] before the final one. Comment ideas if  it needs more than those and I'll see to fit them in.

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