Final Update

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Hey guys, so I just wanted to apologize for not being that active for the past year and everything, school has just been really hard and I hadn't really been feeling well mentally for most of the year. 

  It was really hard to do anything I enjoyed, much less write and I couldn't find any motivation at all and to be honest, I'm just not that into Kotlc as much anymore and I can't really find the motivation to write for it. Being on Wattpad now doesn't give me the same amount of joy I used to have and I think it might be best if I stay off. I will still keep my stories up and won't delete my account, I just won't be active on Wattpad anymore. 

I had so so much fun writing for this fandom and it was one of the things that got me into writing in the first place. I'm not sure I'll ever come back to this account, but i just wanted to say a proper goodbye, even though I have been off now for almost the past year.  

 Thank you everyone for all the support you have given this book , whether it just be giving a read or vote and for everyone who commented on the chapters - you guys always made my day and deserve all the cake in the world 

Thank you to all the friends, I've made on this platform, you guys are all amazing writers and I wish you the best ❤ ❤❤❤❤❤

- A tired human bean (R.B)

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