The Wedding part 2

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Hello, my wonderful readers! So yeah this one-shot has been requested by you guys ALOT.  So without further ado, Heres part 2! (Rhyme!)

  So without further ado, Heres part 2! (Rhyme!)

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~Previoulsy on The Wedding~

"You ready kiddo?" Grady asked. Sophie nodded. His eyes were tearing up. "You've all grown up. I can't believe it." Sophie was tearing up too now. "I love you Dad." "Love you too Sophie." And they walked down the aisle together. She was ready.

 Keefe pov-

The first thing he saw was her. She was beautiful. He was getting married to her. Keefe still was starstruck that she said yes. He still remembered when they first met. When he first fell in love. Their first kiss. First date. He just kept falling after that. He loved her. And she loved him. Every piece of him. He remembered crying when she first said it. Then laughing because he thought it might have been a prank. Then crying again when she said it wasn't. She meant it. And he didn't need to feel her emotions to know she was speaking the truth.

Now she was there. With him. They were going to have a life together. A happy one. With friends and laughs and everything in between. He couldn't wait for what would happen next. 


As she walked down the aisle, Grady looked at him and smiled. Keefe gave him a grin as Sophie stood next to him. 

"Hey" she whispered. "Hey yourself" he whispered back. Oralie smiled at both of them and started to speak. 

~~~Timeskip cause I don't know how normal weddings work~~~

"It is now time for the vows, " Oralie said as she finished speaking. 

Keefe went first clearing his voice quickly looking nervous, "If you had told me when I was 15 years old that I would be able to marry the woman I had been in love with since my 4th year at Foxfire, I would have cried and laughed. But now, we're here, getting married..." he trailed. Then cleared his voice again, "Sophie I remember the first time we met. You were wandering the halls of the school looking completely lost and panicked and I was trying not to panic with all your emotions. Looking back, I had thought I was super lucky because of the fact I finally got to meet the mysterious girl everyone was talking about. I was actually. I got to meet the love of my life for the first time.

I remember the time when I fell in love with you. We were riding Silveny together. Trying to find the Black Swan. You had a look on your face, determined and strong even through anything and you were threatening to push me off, and I just fell. And I kept falling throughout the years. I realized a lot of things throughout the years too. You didn't need a hero. Just a friend in me. And I was ready to wait till you were ready for more. 

Some of my favorite memories were when I made you laugh, and then make you want to kill me in the next 5 minutes." The audience chuckled at that. "You were always there for me, even when I was at my lowest. You didn't leave at what you saw. You just tried to make me feel better. You got me to paint again! You are probably the most amazing person I know. I love you, Sophie." 

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