Vines and such

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Hi guys! Okay, yes I haven't updated in a while. Sorry about that! Online school isn't that easy! Hope everyone's staying safe tho! Anyways...


So yeah, Thank you guys for 4.2k reads!! I love you all so much!  Anyways, so in celebration, I wanted to write something! This is just a little one-shot of gang finding out what a vine is. I promise that a wedding pt.2 will come out soon (I just gotta start writing it, cause I got no inspiration) and some other requests will come out too! I promise! But for now, please enjoy Keefe finding our what a vine is. (was cause vines dead. 😭) and more!

- Sometimes when Sophie just feeling nostalgic about her human life, she takes out her iPod and just watches vines the entire day.  

-And when she quotes them, nobody knows what she's talking about and look at her like she's crazy. 

-For example, when they were researching human cities, she saw a sign and screamed, RoAD WORK AHEAD? AH YEAH I SURE HOPE IT DOES

-Fitz spit out his lush berry juice

-Dex, Biana, and literally everyone looked at her with confusion

-Tam didn't look up from his book, snorted, unfazed because Sophie taught him and he was Very Meme-educated 

-Keefe just looked at her. 

-Then she just went back to her book muttering how she was wasted here. 

-The next time this happened, She was eating a prattle when Dex and the gang decided to scare her by jump scaring in her room

- When they all yelled BOO and jumped up, she screamed, AHH! Stahhp. I coulda dropped ma croissant! 

-"But..But.. you weren't holding a croissant." Dex said, clearly confused. 

- "Whats a croissant?" Keefe asked. 

-But by then, Sophie was tired of them not understanding her vine and pop culture references. 

-So as soon as she was free, she dragged Keefe to her room to watch every single vine in existence. 

-It was very enlightening 

-So the first time Sophie heard Keefe quote a vine, she almost cried.

-The team decided to have breakfast at Havenfield one day and Keefe was looking for a box of lush berry juice

-when he saw an empty one, he took the opportunity to impress Sophie

-"This B*%th empty. YEET" he said as he threw it to the trash bin

-Everyone just looked at him, confused, while Sophie was laughing and crying at the same time. Tam just smiled. 

- So to say, Keefe was her favorite person from now on. 


When they all found out-

- A few days later, everyone was tired of hearing Sophie and Keefe quote vines, so they decided to learn

-Sophie, always glad to teach her friends made them watch vines and taught them every reference she had available. 

-And soon, every one of her friends was meme educated 

-Every parent and adult there now had a headache, every time a child said YEET. 

Soooooo yeah. That was probably really bad and short. Sorry about that. It looked better in my head. Anyways, more (hopefully better) stuff is coming soon guys! Hope you enjoyed!

-R ❤

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