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Yeah, Yeah I know it's late and short but I really wanted to do a Halloween one-shot of The gang! 

Sophie smiled as she saw all her friends were in costume trick or treating like little children for Halloween. They looked adorable. When the council suggested that a new holiday should be celebrated so the people could get their minds off the never seen, Sophie immediately suggests Halloween. It was October anyway and one of her favorite holidays. And seeing all the little kids walking with their parent's house to house made her feel nostalgic. She and Amy used to have so much fun back then. Before the Black Swan, before anything really. But seeing all those little kids squeezed her heart. 

  "Hey Fo-Sophie? You ok?" A deep voice said behind her. She jumped and turned around. It was Keefe. Of course it was. Who else? She smiled again. Keefe called her by her regular name and had been trying to do so ever since their kiss. she gave a small smile, "it just reminds me of what I and Amy used to do together." She said. Keefe gave her a sad smile and took her hand. She grinned and squeezed it right back. And kissed his cheek. She looked at his costume. Batman. Of course, he looked cute though. And of course, everybody got dressed up. 

 "Hey!" Dex called out. "Stop it you two! We don't need the PDA!" Sophie blushed and looked down at her costume,  Supergirl. They all decided to go as superheroes (Keefe's idea) And she couldn't stop giggling over all of them. "Come on u guys!" Fitz whined. "I want candy!" She smiled at his green lantern costume. "Hey Fitz!" Keefe called out. "I bet I can get more candy than you!" "Oh yeah? Wanna Bet?" Fitz yelled back, "Let's go!" "Hurry up!" Lihn yelled, "I and Tam already have twice as much as you!" "WHAT HOW" Keefe yelled, running up to them. She grinned. This was gonna be a fun night.

KOTLC gang costumes! *superhero edition*

Sophie- Supergirl

Keefe- Batman

Fitz- Green Lantern

Bianna- Wonder Woman

Lihn- Dreamer (from the show Supergirl)

Dex- Iron Man

Tam- Loki? (I couldn't really decide for him)

There it is! It's really bad I know and really late, but its there! What do u guys think they should be? 


Also, I'm trying to make a schedule for updating but I'm really busy so I'll try whenever I can.

Thank You so much for reading! 

Love u all!

- R ❤

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