Princess Ruewen

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What up guys? I haven't updated in a while I realize and I'm sorry but I haven't gotten any ideas but then! I got this idea- An au where Sophie's a princess and Keefe and the rest are like regular people in like medieval times! Enjoy! Above is Willow, a song from Taylor Swifts new album. I just love it so I'm adding it lol

Also sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes or if this looks weird. I did the first part on my computer and the other half two weeks later and on my phone.

Things to know before reading-

-The Ruewen Family is the royal family in the kingdom of Eternila.

-Jolie, Sophie, and Amy are all sisters

-Keefe's family owns a bakery, and both his parents are strict but good parents and aren't evil (I didn't want him to go through that)

-Basically, everyone else lives normal lives, including Fitz and Biana, their dad is just a royal advisor so they have a somewhat higher status.

-Nobody has actually seen the princesses because their dad is super protective of them lol. Only Jolie has been formally introduced to the public when she was 16.

Sophie Ruewen was bored. Jolie was off in some faraway country doing god knows what and Amy was in bed with a fever. She would read a book but had already read every single book in the Royal Library and finished her classes for the year. Even her royal training. She really couldn't wait to go outside into the kingdom and meet other people. Biana was busy today with her other friends and couldn't come over. Yep, she really needed to get outside and actually get some human interaction.

Her father was going into the city today for a meeting and he promised she could come with him. But of course, being the overprotective Father he was, she was only allowed to go with her bodyguard, Sandor. No matter how much she complained he wouldn't budge on that. Oh well. Maybe she could get some books and maybe some cookies for Amy. Her poor sister had been in bed sick for 2 days now and Sophie had been keeping her company by reading her books. Her mother wouldn't be coming with them because she decided to stay with Amy.

Sophie was leaning over by the balcony looking at the sea when she heard, "Miss Sophie?" her favorite maid Calla called out. "Yes?" She said shaping out of her daydream. Calla smiled at her, "Your father says its time to go now, Sandor is outside"


Keefe Sencen was bored. He was working at the counter at his family bakery, waiting for his shift to end. After he was done, all his friends were going to play base quest at Fitz's house. He couldn't wait. Just as he was thinking about it, Fitz and all their friends came into the shop laughing and chattering.

"Hey, Keefe!" Dex called, "When's your shift over?" "Yeah! We have to destroy you guys in the base quest!" Lihn said smirking. "I'm hungry. Can we have some cookies?" Keefe smiled as he answered his friends while putting out some cookies for them. "In like 30 minutes and no we're gonna win this time!" He looked at the clock again wishing time would go a bit faster. "Where Biana?" he asked Fitz noting that the sparkly sister wasn't with the group. "Oh, she's busy helping mom with something. She'll be here soon I think." Fitz said as he swiped 2 chocolate-coated cookies. "Hey, I wanted that!" Tam argued "Too bad" he replied with both cookies stuffed in his mouth. Keefe chuckled at his friend's antics and saw that both his parents were leaving the shop.

"Where are you guys going?" he asked curiously, his mom replied while putting on her cloak. "We're going to the kingdom meeting. The king is going to be there and almost every person in the kingdom is called to go. Remember to close up the shop." They said their goodbyes and left the bakery toward the meeting hall. Keefe quickly looked outside and saw a pretty big crowd there already and people were all waiting to see their king and queen. Thank god he didn't have to go.

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