The Wedding

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So I lied and didn't post this until today and promised this last week. Sorry guys. I'm trying to be better! I promise! This is a Sokeefe wedding or like the beginning of one. If you want a part 2 then just comment. Hope you enjoy! Above is a song I liked. 

"WHAT" Amy shrieked, looking at the ring. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. HE ACTUALLY DID IT. HE PROPOSED." Sophie grinned at her sister. "Yup! A few days ago!" Biana looked like she was gonna faint. "YOU TELL US NOW" She yelled, "SOPHIE. WE ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS. WE DESERVE TO KNOW THE MOMENT HE GOT ON ONE KNEE."  Even Lihn looked offended. Sophie rolled her eyes. "Oh come on! It was 2 days ago!" She hadn't stopped smiling since  Keefe got on one knee and pulled out a ring. She couldn't wait for the wedding. 

Sophie woke up. Keefe was right next to her, sleeping. She smiled. They were arguing if they should have robotic spiders come under the seats. Sophie just shut the idea down and cuddled next to him. Of course, he didn't argue about the cuddling and they both ended up taking a nap under Callas. She probably had to get up soon and tell Dex to shut down the spiders. It was too bad. She would have enjoyed watching somebody jump up from the seat but tomorrow had to be perfect. She looked at her ring. It was a beautiful ring-shaped like olive branches, with a small ruby. And the best part- It was a human ring. He had it custom made at the jewelers who made her parents rings. She couldn't have been happier. Their wedding rings were also of human-style but made with Elvin jewelers. She didn't mind that. They were beautiful either way. 

Oh crap. They had to get up soon. She tried to shake Keefe. "Hey," He said with a sleepy smile. He looked adorable with his hair all mussed up. "Hey," She said softly, "We got to get up soon." "Ughhhh" Keefe replied burying his head in her shoulder, "I don't wanna. We can just stay here until the wedding." His voice muffled. Sophie giggled. "No way. I'm wearing my dress and you are wearing your amazing outfit." Another ughhh was what she got in reply. "Come on Sophie. Can't we stay for a few more minutes?" He was warm and she wanted nothing more to stay, but still. "Nope." She said getting up from the blankets. "Muhhg" Keefe said as he face planted to the ground. "Oh come on." He was up now too. "Sooooophieeeeeeee." An another voice called out. Sophie turned around and saw her sister running up to her. "Amy! Hi!" Sophie said happy to see her sister. She gave a quick hug to her and Keefe and told him Grady wanted to talk to him. Keefe looked nervous until Sophie laughed and kissed him. "Relax. He probably just wants to tell you something." "That's what I'm afraid of." He said and kissed her again and went to go find Grady.

"So how do you like the decorations?" Amy asked looking around. Sophie did the same. Havenfeild looked beautiful. Fairy lights surrounded the area with Panacakes petals scattered on the ground. Wihn and Luna were having fun jumping in the piles the petals while Edaline and Silveny tried to stop them. "So what time is the ceremony starting? Cause Dex needs to know when to unleash the butterflies and spiders. Just you know, I'm not sitting in those seats." Sophie grinned. "Don't worry the spider idea was shut down. Biana said she would stand the whole ceremony if a spider would come under her seat." "That's too bad.' Amy replied. "I bet Keefe's disappointed. huh?" "oh most definitely. But it's my wedding and I want everything to perfection. Oh yeah, the ceremony starts at 4 so the butterflies should come out at 4:40 or so." Sophie said. "Ok got it!" Amy said running back to Havenfeild, "I'll tell Dex!" 

Sophie was glad her sister could come to her wedding. Amy was currently in the Bahamas on a vacation from her job as a children's book publisher.  She was staying for 2 weeks. Sophie was happy about that.

As she went back inside she heard talking. Grady was talking to Keefe in the next room so she went further away from there and saw Biana talking Lihn. "Hey you guys," She said surprised. "You haven't left yet?" The dress rehearsal was in the morning but that was hours ago. How long had she been sleeping?! "Hey" Biana was grinning, not explaining, "I still can't believe you two are  getting married." She said while looking at the rings on Sophie's and Lihn's fingers. "Hasn't Dex proposed yet?" Lihn asked and sighed. "No." She said as she looked at her nails, "You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask him." Sophie grinned as Biana listed off the details she had to ask, while Lihn listened attentively. "I do actually have the ring, I'm just waiting for the right moment," she said as she stood up. "I'll be back tomorrow." She told Sophie. "Bright and early." Lihn nodded in agreement as she got ready to leave as well. Sophie hugged them and said bye and decided to go to her room. 

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