My rant on Keefe's short story in flashback

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Ok this isn't an actual story but I needed to do this on Keefe 's short story from Flashback. Here are my not needed thoughts-

- I HATE Alden right now. Reasons are below-

    -He told Keefe to stay away from Sophie so that Fitz could "make his move"

    -He used Keefe's own issues with his dad to manipulate him

    - He didn't want Fitz taking his anger out on Sophie so basically asked Keefe to do it instead.

     - He is meddling in a LOVE TRIANGLE he has no part in. It will not affect him in  any way except to see his son "heartbroken."




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I don't have a picture of her lol

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I don't have a picture of her lol

NOW let's talk about Keefe. This short story just makes me love him more. 

"I'm not sabotaging anything! Sophie's not some prize that Fitz and I get to fight over. She's a person. And she has her own feelings – and no one knows those feelings better than I do!"

-Shannon Messenger 2019

  Keefe obviously looovvess Sophie. I know that You know that. But he is putting his feeling aside for her to be happy. He's respecting her decisions and treats her way better than Fitz can.  

ALSO don't literally every book/tv shows/movies that have one character in love with someone but puts his/her feelings aside so the other person can be happy?! Don't these ships always prevail??!!!


I'm a HUGE flash fan and this is basically perfection

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I'm a HUGE flash fan and this is basically perfection. BARRY&IRIS. I am not going to explain it because...screw it. So basically, Barry in love with Iris. Iris in love with someone else. Barry hides feeling for a long time because he is afraid. Soon he tells. Later seasons good thing happen. (YOu should really watch it)

example 2-

example 2-

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FEYSAND. If anyone reads the ACOTAR series. (A Court of Thorns and Roses) Then you'll know that Rhys loves Feyre but she hates him. He hides his feeling because shes gonna marry some tool and want her to be happy. Soon she falls in love too. ( this is a really bad explanation. READ THE BOOKS)

OK there are a lot more but then I'm gonna go off-topic (What was I talking about again?) and this would be pointless. 


Ro is one of my favorite characters. She's funny, she's smart, is a badass warrior. When Alden comes to talk Keefe. She says many things-

"Hate to break it to you guys," Ro informed them, "but Blondie doesn't know what she feels."

"Uh, no there isn't!" Ro snapped. "We're talking about teenagers! Stop acting like any of this is a done deal." She waited for Keefe to meet her eyes before she added, "It isn't."

"That guy's got a lot of nerve," Ro grumbled. "You know what that was, right? He's trying to get you to back off so he can keep his spoiled son happy – and he's totally using your daddy issues to make you play along!" She held out her arm, pretending she was wrapping it around an imaginary person's shoulders. "I've long considered you part of my family – what a stinking load of garbage! He's just trying to get rid of the competition. So what you need to do now is –"

She sighed. "Fine. I'll leave you to your sulking. But just... promise me something, okay? Don't give up.

- Ro 2019 

- Shannon Messenger 2019

   I really wish Ro was one of my friends. Think of the chats we could have! Anyway she totally ships Sokeefe and this shows she really cares about Keefe. She wants him to be happy. Just like me and everybody else who loves him. *Walks away and sobs into a corner*  DON"T GIVE UP KEEFE! SHANNON PLEASE. I'M BEGGING YOU. HE DESERVES HIS HAPPY ENDING.

But the last line is what really hit me and made me want to sob.

He wasn't giving up.

He was just... waiting.

Being the best friend he could be.

Trying not to wreck anything.

And hoping, hoping, hoping that someday things would change.

-Shannon Messenger

WHY SHANNON WHYYY. HOW can Sophie not see this little bean of perfection?? Well not completely perfect, But this wonderful elf??? Keefe deserves his happy ending and they're perfect together!! I SHIP IT SO HARD. THINGS MUST CHANGE

Ok just filled all my emotional pain into almost 880 words. I feel A LITTLE better now. 

Thank you guys so much for reading!! As always leave a comment if you think I missed anything out or anything and also...

More than a 100 reads!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU WORLD. It means so much to see that people actually like my writing. It means a lot. Love u all! ❤❤❤


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