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Hey guys! This is a one-shot of Sophie and Keefe baking together

Disclaimer: All characters, places and things belong to Shannon Messenger

Sophie looked around her. The kitchen was slightly a chaotic mess. The last batch of ripple puff was ruined and she was messing up her mallow melt.

 When Edaline asked her if she needed any help with baking, Sophie turned her down because she knew she was a pretty good baker and Edaline knew she wouldn't burn the entire house down. But this? This was a disaster. And she had no idea why! All her friends were coming over in an hour for a sleepover and all the important food (the deserts) were all ruined. At least the stark flower stew was alright. She was halfway to have a breakdown when Keefe came in. "Hey Sophie! Something smells good!" He smiled. Sophie gave him a half-smile. That's the stew at least that's not ruined. Keefe quickly came in. " Oh wow...This is kind of a big mess" He said. Sophie rolled her eyes. "I know that. Can you help me?" she asked hopefully. "Anything for my lady." He winked. Sophie blushed. Soon they were baking and almost everything was back to normal. Except for her and Keefe. Keefe thought it was a good idea to throw flour all over her which led to a huge flour fight. It took 20 minutes to clean up. "There's a downstairs bathroom ok? Go wash up," she told him. She came downstairs 10 minutes later to find a completely clean Keefe and he looked tired as well. They both sat down on the couch together and started talking soon Sophie fell asleep next to him and he also fell asleep. 

When all their friend came inside they saw Sophie and Keefe cuddled up together sleeping peacefully before Dex got the idea to throw ice cold water on them. As soon as the water hit her face Sophie was up. So it was Keefe. "DEX DIZZNEE YOU ARE DEAD" Sophie screamed and chased a grinning Dex around the house. All her friends including Keefe watched amused and knowing a lot more pranks were going to happen and their sleepover had finally started.

There it is guys my second one-shot! I'm so proud! Sorry, it's so short. Maybe ill write about the sleepover next! As always it would mean a lot if any of you could comment or vote. Constructive Criticism is always welcome! Thanks for reading!


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