Post Neverseen

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Hey guys! So yes I decided to update again cause I don't know when the next time i'll update. Hopefully soon. anyways this is what I think will be for the future of the kotlc gang post-Neverseen! 

-Sophie is still technically the most powerful elves i n the world. She soon becomes an important emissary and black swan member. So basically shes still doing stuff she used to but can be a little more normal about it. 

-But after the Neverseen are defeated, she takes a retreat for herself. Hanging out with her friends, Spa trips (She enjoys them a lot) and going to concerts (because our girl loves music) 

-She even goes to human concert once in a while or does human activities like skating at Rockefeller. 

- Sophie decides to wait a few years before becoming an emissary and also finish her education at Foxfire.

-She falls in love with Keefe. She was always in love with him but never realized it. Now they could date take things at her pace. 

-Soon she and Keefe, get married. They live together in a beach house similar to the shores of solace except way more beautiful and serene. 

-Keefe still stays as an important black swan member, helping with missions now and then, but he become a full time artist, selling his art and having a little shop in Atlantis

-They soon have a daughter together, with blond hair and ice blue eyes. She looks almost exactly like Sophie but acts a lot like Keefe. She is the favorite grandchild (and only grandchild) so Grady and Edaline both spoil her alot with her cousins. 

- Biana also becomes and important emissary but after a few decades she decided to go more in to Black Swan missions and soon became a member of the collective. Her code name is Vanish 

- Biana and Dex fall in love and they soon get married after some time. 

- They have 2 kids together. First a girl and then boy. Both children are loved by the entire extended family and they adore their aunt and uncles, Bex, Lex and Rex. 

- Dex becomes the next great tinker who creates amazing things. He works for both the Black swan and Council. He loves making things for his kids and niece. 

-Lihn works in Atlantis as a support group founder. She also becomes an member of the collective and does very important work for the Black Swan. Her code name is Splash. 

-She and Marella get married. They don't have kids yet because neither of them want to yet, but have many pets together. Even human ones. "Look Mare! Theses kitties have such tiny feet!!" 

- Wylie probably becomes the most important emissary ever after Alden. He does a lot of community work with Lihn. and makes sure everybody is cared for. He also becomes a favorite of the people. He works hard for the people and would have become an councilor, but refused.  

-  Tam decides to stay with the Black Swan but hes been working mostly on helping people who were affected by the neverseen. He also decides to tutor any newly manifested shades and teach them how to properly control their powers. 

-He also comes out to everyone and everyone is super supportive of him and he couldn't be happier at the moment, with his family

- He and Lihn also start a support group for any kids who were twins or triplets whose parents rejected them. Children of bad matches came often as well. They both knew how it felt and  Lihn and Tam wanted to make sure nobody ever felt like that again. They wanted to make sure everybody knew they were loved and just because they were twins or bad matches it didn't change anything. Dex and Sophie both come often to help with the kids and were both speakers there. Bex,Lex,Rex also were occasional speakers. 

-Fitz decides to become an emissary and soon a councilor. He decided not to get married after everything deciding the single life was better. Which pays off. After 50 years he becomes a councilor and quickly becomes the peoples favorite. 

-He works more with diplomatic stuff and gets the lost cities on better terms with the other intelligent species. He helps create a new era of peace that stays for more than a millennia. 

- He loves his family and especially his nieces and nephews. 

-Every elvin holiday called star show, The gang all gets together to celebrate. They all have their own lives but continue to be with in each others. 

-Keefe and Tam becomes somewhat friends after sometime and discuss the support group Tam has and how Keefe wants to teach some of them to paint. It was a way for him to cope with his father and he wanted to share this gift with others who needed it. 

-Biana, Sophie, and Lihn always go shopping together before the gathering at Havenfield. They always get together at least 3 or 4 times a month to catch up together and to keep their friendship together. Girls night- a lot of lushberry wine, ranting, and laughs.

-At the gathering  they always get together and talk about how they've grown from everything and Lihn helps them with the kids 

-  At the gathering, the three kids. Sophie's daughter, and Biana's two always get into some trouble. They love pranking people. Especially their parents. One time They all worked together to create a mini explosion in each of the adults rooms with gulon gas. Keefe got mad but couldn't get the smile of his face. After Sophie calmed down he told them "I have taught you all well" with a grin. 

-This time the victim was poor Fitz at the party. 

- Dex and Wylie talk about life and become really good friends after the neverseen. 

-Fitz soon joins their conservation. 

-After some time, the real fun starts and the light show starts. 

-Its Sophie's favorite holiday and when Keefe proposed to her. They always smile at each other and  get pretty romantic much to their daughters embarrassment. 

- All in all everything is better now. They are all happy. After everything they've been through, Nothing was going to change this. The happiness in their faces, the love for their children. Everything changed, and they all grew up. but Sophie loved it. 

There we go guys! I've been working on this for a pretty long time! I really like this one! Hope u enjoyed. If you want more of these, then just message me on Wattpad and tell me what you want me to write. I'll take prompts! Vote and Comment!

- R❤

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