Why I ship Sokeefe.

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HI guys! Ok so sorry for not updating recently, guess who's birthday was 2 days ago??!! Me. Yeah just thought I'd say that. I don't know why. Ok so I guess I'll start now. 

So I thought I'd give reasons why I ship Sokeefe because one of my friends asked me why and I gave her a total essay on why. (She shipped Sofitz. Which is totally ok! I just have a different opinon! calm down. We had a whole discussion lol) So i kind of wanted to write them all down. Above is one of my favorite songs and the one I listened to while writing lol. Enjoy! 

Ok so lets start!



 They both have challenged each other in the past and completely trust in each other. Its not a cognate relationship like with Fitz, but I feel like they both would trust they're lives with each other. And unlike Fitz, Sophie and Keefe have fought before. I know this is weird but they just seem more real. you know?                                                                                                                                                Sophie and Fitz never really fight and even when they probably going to start, Sophie feels like crying. With Keefe, shes not. She gets mad at him, he gets mad at her. They know how each other feels. they act more like a real couple. (Idk its just something i thought of) 

Its important in relationships, for feeling to be heard and when Sophie and fitz were dating. She didn't tell him anything. She just went along with it even if she was uncomfortable. With Keefe, she tells him everything. (it doesn't hurt that hes an empath too) and most of the time, He tells her everything. 

While Sophie and Fitz seem like a cute couple, I cant really see it being a long term relationship. I like them more as friends. it just seemed more natural. Keefe and Sophie however, I see them getting married and having a happily ever after. 

Also I love keefe so I do have a bias. I just love them so much! Keefe literally loves Sophie. He chooses gold for his box, has a gold notebook, AND HE LOVES HER GODDAMMIT. HE DESERVES HAPPINESS. SO DOES SOPHIE. THEY MAKE EACH OTHER HAPPY. SO THEY SHOULD GET TOGETHER. ITS COMMON SENSE AND SCIENCE. SPECIFICALLY CHEMISTRY. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?? 

Anyways, excuse my caps. I'm gonna be like that for most of the time. 

Ok, so its a pretty obvious theory that Sophie likes Fitz with her head and Keefe with her heart. Why would Shannon Messenger add that plot point, if it wasn't important? Sophie,  doesn't really realize this (cause she's oblivious) I think she has an idea of it, but shes afraid of what it could mean for her and her friends.                                                                                                                           

She did break up with Fitz, because she wasn't ready for a boyfriend, or a relationship with Fitz. Or anybody for that matter. I think it's partly because Fitz was being pressuring about the match and I don't think she was actually want a romantic relationship with him. Also she had whole lot of stuff to do with the Neverseen. She's a regent and she does alot work for the concil. Fitz was kinda obsessed with finding Alvar. They're not really on the same page here. It wasn't a really good relationship. When they did break up, She felt alot better than she had for along time. I also feel like she and Keefe wouldnt get together immediately. I feel like, they would slowly fall more in love (or Sophie would. Keefe already loves her) it would take a few years but soon they would get together. 

Now lets talk about Matchmaking! Everybody: UGGHHHH   He he sorry guys. 

When Keefe found out- He was super sweet. He reassured her and made her feel better and even offered to help her find her parents. (even though if they did find out, Sophie and Fitz would be together) But he still does it, because Sophie's upset and keeps telling her shes amazing and Fitz wouldn't care. (He was basically saying HE didn't care) At almost any point of Legacy, he's always supporting her and telling her that she doesn't have to be anybody but her self.  

When Fitz found out- He said it'll be ok... then proceeded to talk about the match and how they would make everything better. Like dude! It was the one thing that made Sophie uncomfortable and hear you go, talking all about it! And when she did find out and didn't tell you, you got all mad, Even though its private info, she never had to tell you in the first place!! Like I may or may not have thought they were kinda cute before but after this I stopped completely kinda shipping it. I mean I was starting to accept it! but now, no. 

See, this is why Sokeefe should be endgame! Keefe treats her so much better than fitz. Sophie and Keefe just belong together! They trust each other, have chemistry, and they do love each other! If you don't believe me, read the books. And read my rant on Keefe's short story and Legacy. 


Thank u guys for reading! Sorry I havet had time to upate lately. School sucks. So I decided to have vote on what I should write next! I'm going to do both but I wasnt sure which one i should do first-

A Keefe pov of some of the final chapters of Legacy ( and some other parts Legacy too)


A Sokeefe wedding? 

I have ideas for both but It would be nice to hear other people's opinion on things! And I would update on maybe a few little shorts or pictures. Now its gonna be harder for me to update alot cause schools getting harder and I have to take the regents (which sucks) So I aplogize in advance lol! Thanks for understanding!

-R ❤

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