Your Favorite Song

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Hi guys! So this was a request by @AthenaKeefe  and it's my first request. Yay! So this is a Sokeefe human Christmas Au where they're listening to Your Favorite Song by Eighty-Ninety. Hope you like it! 

Disclaimer: Song is not mine! (duh) Or any of these characters. (I should probably start doing this disclaimer stuff more)

Sophie came into her apartment not expecting anything. She just wanted to go home and eat the Chinese food she had leftovers and watch Netflix. She had a headache and was ready for some relaxation. She was not expecting a handsome blond guy in her kitchen cooking what looked like pasta while putting Christmas music on a blast from her iPod. 

Keefe was wearing an apron that said Kiss the cook and was dancing along to the song while stirring the pasta. He looked adorable. But when did he get here?  He had worked at the studio today, thought Sophie. He had called her about it. That he was working on something important. But here he was, in her kitchen, singing along to a pop song wearing a Santa hat. 

"Ahem," she said. Keefe immediately turned around, with surprise written on his face. "Oh hey, Sophie." He said with a pink face, then turning redder when he realized he was wearing a Kiss the Cook apron. He didn't take off though. "So uh I thought I'd surprise you with dinner and didn't think you were coming early. So uh surprise?"  He said with uncertainty. 

Sophie was speechless. He did that for her?  From the looks of it, he'd been here a long time and clearly working hard on Fettuccine Alfredo?  Her favorite she thought as she took her coat off, snow still in her hair. 

"You remembered." She whispered as she went into the kitchen. Keefe blushed, "Yeah You told me that it was one of your favorite foods so um I found a recipe and followed it? It was no big deal really. I had fun cooking honestly." he said with a small grin. 

"What was the occasion?" She asked. They really never went out to fancy restaurants, and usually ordered in. 

Keefe blushed. "Um, I just wanted to say that I love you... In the most perfect way and you kinda ruined it, cause it was supposed to be a surprise." He said stammering. Sophie looked at him. Keefe loved her. He actually said it. They have been dating for about 2 years now and he finally said it. Finally. "I love you too." She said, putting her arms over his shoulders. "I guess I do deserve a kiss huh?" He said smirking. Sophie grinned and kissed him gently. She loved this boy. Had ever since they met at the university and she had tripped on the sidewalk and he had walked her to the nurse's office. He kissed her right back, just as passionately. 

He put his hand at her waist and just swayed to the music. The next song came up, One of Sophie's favorites. "Your Favorite Song," Keefe whispered, smiling. 

 They were dancing now. Just swaying to the song. She could spend eternity like this. With him. 

And they stayed like that for a long time, the pasta not forgotten, just put on hold for now.  

That's it, guys! Sorry its kinda short but I really like this one. It's cute. Hope you enjoyed it!  


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