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So this is my first story. I have never really written anything except things for school. So if this sucks, oh well, I'll get over it, and you should too. Also if you have any suggestions on what I can do for this story, please let me know. If I don't spell things right,  its whatever because your gurl can't type. Also, I don't know anything about celebrities. So if I get things wrong, well its a good thing this is just a story. I guess that's all I have to say, so good luck to whoever is going to reading my terrible writing. 

To anyone reading this, at the beginning it might have seemed as though y/n was lesbian. I changed it to her being bi. If you don't like that sorry but I liked that arc better. It sort of is similar to myself,even though I'm not sure of my sexuality so yeah.

- Victoria :)

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