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Scarlett pov.

I was hanging out with Elizabeth and Florence talking about y/n and Rose. We were  trying to figure out how to mention Rose coming back from her dad's to y/n. "I don't know guys, wouldn't she already know about Rose?"

"I guess so, but wouldn't she have asked about her?" Elizabeth replies. I guess she has a point.

"I think you should just tell her Scarlett. You adopted y/n and you already have a kid. You don't want either of them to be suprised about suddenly having a sibling do you?" Florence says.

"That makes since. I just hope they won't be mad at me or not get along with each other when they meet." 

"Siblings fight, they will get used to each other." Elizabeth shrugged. I was about to reply when my phone rang. It was from y/n school.

 I can't believe she got into a fight.

 "Hey guys, I have to go." I told the girls.

"What? Why?" Florence asked and Elizabeth nodded in agreement to her question. 

"I got a call from y/n's school and something happened. I have to go take care of it." I told them, getting up and gathering my things to go.

Florence and Elizabeth looked at each other before turning back to me. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine, I will tell you guys what happened later. Bye!" I left them and drove to Y/n's school. I wonder who she fought with and if she won?


Y/n pov. 

I was in the principles office with an ice pack on my hand waiting for Scarlett, Jacob, and Jacob's parents. Jacob would be in here with me waiting but since I beat his ass, he has to get his more 'serious' injuries checked out. 

The wait felt like it took hours and the principle just kept looking at me with his old man glasses. It was freaky. Like imagine sitting somewhere and you can just feel someone watching you. Then you look up only to find some creppy old man peering at you from over his gold tiny circle glasses. Like I said freaky. 

The silence was finally broken when the door opened and in came Scarlett, Jacob and his parents. Jacob's parents looked over at me disgusted while Jacob couldnt meet my eye. What a wimp. Finally I looked towards Scarlett. She glanced at me but then looked away. I hope she isn't mad at me. I was just defending myself but I don't know how she will take it. 

Principal Woodland asks for everyone to take a seat. "Thank you all for coming in. I asked you here today to talk about the fight between y/n and Jacob that occured at lunch. Would you guys like to explain what happened?" He says, first talking to our parents and then to me and Jacob.

Neither of us say anyhting. I look over at Jacob for him to start. He rolls his eyes and I noticed he also had a black eye. "Y/n came up to me and told she wanted to talk so we did. She told me she didn't want to be with me anymore and I asked her why. She told me she just did, probably because she is trying to get with some other guy like the whore she is. Then she hit me like the crazy bitch she is just because I told her I wanted to fight for our relationship."

I looked at him with shock and rage. "That is not what happened and you know it. Stop trying to twist the story on me. You are just made because I beat your ass in front of everyone at school. They finally saw you for the disgusting, arragant, weak person you are."

"Okay that's enough!" Mr. Woodland says, interrupting us. "Y/n, why don't you tell us what happened."

"I told Jacob that we needed to talk so at lunch we did. He got at mad at me because I interrupted him talking with his friends so there was a small argument about that. Then I talked to him about what happened on our date the other night. I don't want to get into that because that's none of your buisness. He proceeded to say that what he did was okay since he was my boyfirend, and I told him that he wasn't my boyfriend since he forced me into this relationship. Also I told him that he doesn't have the right to touch me whether I am his girlfriend or not. He then threatened me when I continued to to tell him that it was not okay and that I didn't want to be in this 'relationship' anymore. He said 'he would would show me if I didn't understand', basically saying that if I didn't be his girlfriend that he would hit me again."

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