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Y/n pov

Today's the day I break up with the guy I was never really with anyway. I wonder how it will go. 

I got showered and dressed for school. I decided to wear some ripped jeans, a white nickelodeon shirt with my black high top converse. I put on my earrings since I always feel naked if I don't have them on and some lotion because I don't want to be ashy. 

I made my way down stairs. "Good morning Scarlett."

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept good. How about you?"

"I slept okay. Do you want me to drive you to school today?"

"Sure that's fine. I usually leave in like 10 minutes, is that okay?"

"Yup that's great."

I decided to just eat an apple for breakfast. I don't really like breakfast anyway. Don't get me wrong, breakfast foods are great. I just don't really like the idea of eating as soon as I wake up. 

"An apple? That's all you are going to eat?"

"Yup. I'm ready to go." I grabbed my back pack and went out to the car.


The ride to school was quiet, which is fine because who likes talking first thing in the morning? We pulled up to the school and I was getting ready to get out when Scarlett stopped me. 

"You'll call me if anything happens right?"

"Yeah. It will be fine though Scarlett. I doubt he will try anything at school." I replied shrugging her off. 

"Okay but if anything happens, you call me and I will be there."

"Okay. Bye Scarlett."

"Bye y/n." She pulled off and I walked into the school building. Here goes nothing. 


After going to my locker I noticed Sydney and waved her over. 

"Hey y/n."

"Hi Sydney." We started to walk towards class. "What class do you have?"

"I have ELA."


"I guess so. What do you have?"

"I have history. Sometimes it's really boring but that's okay because I actually enjoy history." We continued talking until she headed to her class, which was in a different direction from mine. 

I was almost to my class when I felt someone grab my hand. I turned to see that it was Jacob. 

"Hey y/n. I'm sorry I wasn't here yesterday. Did you miss me? I heard from Isaiah that you had asked about me."

"Hi Jacob. I was just wondering where you were. I wouldn't say I missed you but believe what you want." I pulled my hand from his and crossed my arms over my chest. 

"No need to have a smart mouth y/n." I rolled my eyes at him when he grabbed my hand again. 

"Can we talk later today?"

"Sure babe, what do you want to talk about?"

"You'll see when we talk about it. How about at lunch?"

"That's fine." The bell rung so he let go of my hand and pulled me into a hug, once again grabbing my bootayy. 


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