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Y/n pov.

I forgot to mention that I had to have ISS, in school suspension, for three days. Meaning that for the rest of the week I had to go to the basement with Mrs. Baker. It was really weird because I have never been to ISS and because everyone kept looking at me. Luckily Mrs. Baker was nice to me and gave me candy. 

It was now the weekend and I was super bored. Scarlett was out doing something and I am just stuck in this room. Maybe I'll go for a walk and get some food. I think I saw a cafe when I was walking home one day. 

After getting dressed in some ripped jeans, graphic tee, and converse, I left the house. I started my walk to the cafe. Once I got to the cafe I ordered some tea and banana nut muffin. I looked around and saw that basically no one was here. After getting my food I turned around and started to head towards a table. 

I sat down reading my book drinking my tea and eating my muffin. I had been sitting here for a while when someone else came in. I looked and saw a girl. She looked familiar. I looked away when she turned my way. I looked up again noticing she went to the cashier placing her order. I decided to stop looking so I didn't look like a creep. I started reading again. 

I looked up when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the girl. "Hi?"

"Hi. Sorry I just noticed you sitting here and thought I recognized you from somewhere." She said. 


"Do you go to Westwood High?"


"I knew I recognized you. You are the girl that beat up Jacob." She replied. "Can I sit here with you?"

"Sure." She sat down. 

"I think it's really cool that you fought him. I hate that guy. I'm Elizabeth by the way, but you can call me Elli." She said, holding her hand out for me to shake. I shook her hand.

"I'm y/n."


It's been a couple hours now. After talking with Elli at the cafe, we walked around and ended up at the park. She's actaully pretty good company. We talked about anything that came on our minds. 

"So what do you like to do?" I asked her, skipping rocks into the lake at the park. 

"I like hanging out with friends, going to the beach and I guess playing my instrument." Elli replied.

"What instrument do you play?"

"I play the flute." I stopped skipping rocks for a second. 

"You're a band kid??"

"Yeah? Why?" She asked, confused. 

"Well I am an orchestra kid. I just don't think I saw you playing an instrument, let alone a flute." I continued skipping rocks. 

"Are you saying being a band kid is bad?"

"What? No, definetly not."

"That's not very convincing y/n." She crossed her arms, rolling her eyes at me. I just laughed.

"There is nothing wrong with it Elli. I just was suprised." I shrugged. 

"Yeah sure." We continued to skip rocks for a while when she got a phone call. She stepped away for a moment talking to the person. I looked the other way, trying not pry. When she came back she had a sad smile on her lips. "i'm sorry y/n, I have to go. My parents want me home for dinner."

"Your fine Elli, I didn't even realize it was that late."

"Yeah, I guess time flies when you are having a good time.Give me your number." I handed her my phone so she could type her number in. " I'll see you at school Monday right?"

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