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TW: mentions sexual and physical abuse

Y/n pov. 

*Time skip to Saturday. Day of the date

I haven't talked to Scarlett ever since she grabbed me. Maybe I shouldn't have talked or rather yelled at her, but I didn't think she would put her hands on me. She has been trying to talk to me all week but I was just ignoring her. Maybe talking to her about the 'tone' I used with her and Scarlett putting her hands on me will make things better. Talking about feelings suck though so I don't know if I'll actually go through with that. 

Today was the day I go on my 'date' with Jacob. I'm not excited about it but at least it will get me away from Scarlett constantly trying to talk to me. I figured I would at least try to look nice for my date, maybe Jacob will lay off some. With that in mind, I decided to get dressed in a black skirt, green sweater and my black slip on vans. Nothing too fancy just something casual that maybe looks nice. Who cares?

I looked at the time and noticed it was 5:45, so I started to make my way downstairs. "Scarlett I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Um out, to the movies,  with a friend."

"Oh so that boy, that's not your boyfriend?" I just rolled my eyes.

"Bye Scarlett!" With that I walked out the door. 


When I finally arrived at the movies, I saw Jacob. "Hi, Jacob."

"Hi"  He hugged me. Shocking me that he did it without squeezing my butt. "Are you ready to get the tickets?" I nodded. He grabbed my hand and led me into the movie theatre. We got our tickets, got snacks and went to the theatre our movie was showing in.

It was going surprisingly well. There was no hitting or yelling at me. "You look very nice Y/n."

"Oh, thank you, Jacob." He was smiling at me. It was creepy, like we came here to watch the movie so watch it. I just turned back to the movie and continued to watch it. A couple of minutes later I noticed Jacob started shifting a lot. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Y/n, just trying to get comfortable." He replied with a smile. Next thing I know, he has his hand on my thigh. I just let it stay there because I remembered last time I brushed his hand off he just put it back. Not wanting to cause a scene I ignored it. 

I guess I shouldn't have ignored it because he thought that meant he could move his hand higher up. "Jacob, can you move your hand please?" I said in a hushed voice, trying not to interrupt the people in front of us. He stopped moving his hand up and decided to kiss my neck. Is this dude really doing this, in a public place. "Jacob, what are you doing?"

"Nothing babe, just watch the movie." He kept kissing my neck and started to move his hand under the waistband of my skirt. 

"Jacob stop." He just continued to move his hand further into my skirt and started to rub me. "Stop please. I don't want you touching me." I tried to fight him off. 

"Y/n, I am your boyfriend, this is what we are supposed to do. Just relax." He continued to rub me, not that he was doing a good job. But that didn't matter. I kept fighting him off and finally I got him off and I ran out the theatre. "Babe, where are you going?" He started to come after me, I just ignored him and kept running, eventually making it to the bathroom. 

I could try and walk back home but he would probably just see me and follow after me. Finally, I decided it would be best to call Scarlett. "Come on, come on, pick up, pick up," I mumbled. After the fourth ring she answered. 

"Hello, Y/n?"

"Hi Scarlett, um, could you come pick me up please?" I said into the phone, trying not to cry. 

"Pick you up, is everything okay? The movie ended already?"

"No Scarlett I just, I really need you to come pick me up. I, I need you." my voice broke, silent tears making their way down my face.

"Okay, I'm on my way to pick you up now. I'll be about 5 minutes alright?"

I nodded, "Okay, thank you Scarlett. Just please hurry." I hung up. I peeked outside the bathroom door to see if Jacob was there. He was on his phone, calling me. I declined his call and stayed in the bathroom.

After continuing to ignore Jacob's calls, Scarlett texted saying she was outside. I peeked out again to see if Jacob was there. Seeing he wasn't there I rushed out of the bathroom and started to make my way to the door. 

"Y/n, where are you going?" I just kept walking to the doors, I was almost there. Jacob started to catch up with me. "I said where are you going?" he stopped in front of me. 

"I'm going home Jacob, so if you'll get out of my way, I'll be going now." I tried to step around him, only to be stopped by him grabbing me.

"What did we talk about Y/n? I thought we came to the agreement that you would listen to me. I didn't think I would have to keep repeating myself."

"I'm sorry Jacob, just let me go. We can talk Monday okay? My ride is waiting for me." I tried to step around him again. 

"Where is my goodbye?" I rolled my eyes but obliged and hugged him. I was starting to pull away when he kissed me. A long, sloppy kiss.  When he finally let me go I ran outside and into Scarlett's car. 

"Hi. What happened?"

Try to not get on her bad side again, I replied in a quiet voice, "I don't want to talk about it Scarlett. Thank you for picking me up but can we just go home? Please." I didn't look at her, I just kept my attention out the window. 

"Sure Y/n, we can do that."


So there is a new update. I wasn't sure if I should put a warning or not but I decided not to. If you think I should have, pls let me know. That way I don't trigger someone or anything like that.

-Victoria :)

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