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Y/n pov. 

Today was great. I possibly made a new friend, did great on my test, and I got extra credit. The best part was that Jacob wasn't there. I was making my way back to Scarlett's house and I noticed there were two cars there. I wonder who's here.

I unlocked the door and went upstairs to put my stuff away. After coming back downstairs I noticed Scarlett and a few other people. "Hi Scarlett."

"Hey y/n. How was your day?"

"It was good. I got an A on my math test and I think I might have made a new friend." I replied, walking to the cabinets looking for a snack. 

"That's great! So there was no issues today?" 

"Nope everything was fine. So who are these people?" I asked, looking around at these old hags. Just kidding they aren't old hags, except for maybe one of them. 

"Oh this is my pr team. I'm assuming you heard about the pictures from the other day?"

"Yeah. I heard some people talking about it in class." I snickered a little. "I still think it was the best outfit you have ever worn."

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny." She rolled her eyes.

"I know I am. So what do they have to do?"

"They are just going through the comments and stuff. People are asking about the person that I was with, which was you, who it was and their relation to me."

"So you have to make a statement?"

"Basically. I was actually waiting for you to get home so we could talk about it."

"You don't have to tell them about me if you don't want." I replied thinking that maybe she didn't want to be associated with some nobody like me. 

"I want to y/n, I just want to make sure you are comfortable."

"Can I think about it? I mean what would happen if you told people who I am?"

"I'm not sure what would happen." Scarlett replied looking over to the people on her team. 

"If Scarlett were to put out a statement about who your are and your relation to her, I'm sure that their might be more paparazzi around." The old hag says. Yikes, I forgot they were there. Her voice is scary, like the type of voice you would hear from some lady talking about "would you like some candy from my purse??" . 

"No thanks. I don't want to be stalked by paprazzi." I say. 

"We could up my security if you want y/n." Scarlett suggests.

"Nope. I don't think I am ready for the whole world to know who I am yet anyway so."

"Okay, that's fine."

"Great. Well I have homework to do so bye." I start walking towards the stairs. "Oh, and it was nice meeting you all." I called back to the pr team that was still there. 


Two hours later...

"Y/n dinner is ready!" I heard Scarlett call. I finished up the rest of the page for the book I was reading for my Lit/Comp class. 

"Coming!" I yelled back. I made my way down the steps hoping that this time I won't fall on my face. Luckily I didn't but it would have been worth it if I got to see the look on Scarlett's face again. 

Me and Scarlett sat down and ate the dinner she made. Tonight we had had baked chicken with mac and cheese. I love mac and cheese so I dived right in.

I noticed that Scarlett wasn't eating so I looked up, only to find her staring at me. I stopped eating and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

"No there isn't anything on your face, you're just eating really fast. Did you not eat today?" She asked concerened. 

"No, I ate today. I just really love mac and cheese, I haven't had it in forever." I replied, eating my food more slowly now. 

"Well there is plenty more y/n, you don't have to shove it down your throat, you'll choke."

'There's something else that could be shoved down my throat that I wouldn't mind choking on.'

I looked up from my plate when I heard Scarlett choke. "Are you okay Scarlett? Do you need some water?"

"What did you just say?"

"I just asked if you were okay since you just choked on your food?" I said again, confused. 

"No I meant before that." She replied after taking a sip of her water. I was still looking at her confused until I realized what she was talking about.

"I said that out loud?"

"Yeah, that you said there's something else that could be shoved down your throat that you wouldn't mind choking on."


There was silence after that. Once I was done I ran upstairs trying to forget that embarassing moment. 


I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in."

"Hey y/n."

"Hey Scarlett." There was silence for a moment. "Please don't tell me that you want to talk about what happened at dinner."

"I don't want to talk about that. I actually want to talk to you about your day. You said you think you made a new friend?"

"Oh yeah. I was trying to find a place to sit a lunch today since Jacob wasn't there and I ended up sitting with her. Her name is Sydney and we actually have two classes together."

"That's good. I'm glad you are making friends." She smiled. "Have you decided what you want to do about Jacob yet?"

"No I haven't but I plan on talking to him. I want to talk to him about what happened and then we will go from there."

"I think that's an okay idea, but make sure you set boundries and things like that. Also, don't let him corner you. You are breaking up with him right?" I nodded. "Good. I'm glad you had a good day today y/n. I will let you get some rest. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Scarlett."

Hey peeps, I am back from the dead. I know it has been months and I don't really have an excuse but here I am. It is currently winter break so I had some time to write and I also have some ideas. There are some ideas from before when I was actively updating this story that people have suggested so maybe I will add those in. I will try and update on a regualr basis, but life is crazy. Thanks for reading. Suggestion and comments are welcome!

-Victoria :)

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