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Y/n pov.

Shopping with Scarlett was surprisingly fun. I got some new clothes, some jeans, shirts, and sweatshirts. I was surprised there were no paps around, I thought we would get ambushed. 

After getting home, Scarlett starts making dinner. I go upstairs and do my homework. While doing homework, I listened to music. Since I'm a music lover I like almost all genres but today I decided to listen to classical. 

Today was the absolute worst, I mean it did get better towards the end with Scarlett but still. I need to figure out what I'm going to do about Jacob. I can't go on a date with him Saturday, who knows what will happen. I could just not go, but who knows what he will do on Monday because I didn't listen to him. I have no ideas, I'll just go with him and suffer. That's better than possibly getting hit by him because I don't go. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Scarlett calling for me from downstairs. "Y/n, dinner is ready."

I walked down the stairs and of course, I tripped at the bottom step and landed flat on my face. Damn, that's embarrassing.  

"Jeez Y/n, are you okay?" Scarlett rushed over to me. I just looked at her, she looked so worried. Then, I  busted out laughing. "Y/n, what's so funny?" I just kept laughing. "Did you hit your head or something? Do you have a concussion?"

"Oh no, I'm fine. You should have just seen your face. It was priceless. You were like "Omg, Y/n, are you okay?"  It was so funny." I said, trying to contain my laughter. 

"Ha. Ha. Well then get up before your dinner gets cold."

After a few more seconds of laying there, I got up and followed Scarlett into the kitchen. "So what are we having for dinner?"

"Spaghetti, I hope that's okay."

"It's great, I haven't had spaghetti in forever."

We ate in silence except for a couple of comments about how good the food was. When I finished, I got up put my plate in the sink, and got a water bottle. I was getting ready to go back upstairs when Scarlett stopped me. 

"Wait, Y/n. Can we talk about earlier?"

"Earlier, what about earlier?"

"Well I wanted to talk about how when I was trying to ask you about your day, and about that boy that's 'not' your boyfriend, you decided it was okay to yell and cuss at me."

I rolled my eyes. "What do you want me to say, Scarlett? Do you want me to apologize for the fact that I told you to leave it alone and you kept asking about it? I'm sorry. Happy now?" I started to walk away again. 

"Y/n stop. Just because I haven't known you that long and you have no reason to trust me, does not mean that you can talk to me in any way that you want." Scarlett said, starting to raise her voice. "I am your mom now so I think that means I deserve your respect."

"No, Scarlett, it doesn't. You are not my mom. You don't 'deserve' my respect. You don't know me and I don't know you. The only thing you know about me is that I came from an orphanage." I started walking away again, but this time Scarlett grabbed my arm.

"Scarlett, stop. Let me go. " I whimpered, trying and failing to get her arm off.  

"Y/n I know you don't know me yet and I hope that we can build a better relationship. You still can't go around yelling at me like that. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes Scarlett I understand. Just let me go." She finally let me go and I run upstairs. 

Scarlett pov.

I watched as Y/n ran upstairs. Why did she act like that? Did I pull her arm too hard? I'll just leave her alone for now. She was crying, I don't want to upset her more. I just hope we can fix this and that I didn't hurt her too badly. 


Sorry I haven't been posting. I have covid and strep throat so that's fun. Also, for the part I said  "whimpered", I know it probably made you cringe, but I was just trying to portray how Y/n was scared or whatever so yeah. Sorry if it was bad. I'll try and update as much as possible.


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