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 Y/n pov.

"Welcome to your new home Y/n!" Scarlett said with a smile. Once the driver opened the door, I looked up and was met with the most excellent apartment I have ever seen. Granted, I have lived in an orphanage my whole life. I grabbed my bags and followed Scarlett into the apartment. I looked around in amazement.

When entering I was greeted by a living room, decorated with black and white furniture. Large glass doors led to a balcony that overlooked the city. There was a spiral stairwell leading to what I can only assume was a just as impressive upstairs.

Scarlett gave me an official tour of the massive and beautiful apartment, then led me to my new room. The room was huge, with a queen-sized bed directly in the middle. Being adopted by someone famous means I get a huge room with a walk-in closet and bathroom attached. Not that I'm complaining. I better take advantage of this luxury before she sends me back.

"So what do you think?" Scarlett asked.

I looked at her, "It's great, thank you, Ms. Johansson." I replied with a smile.

"Oh you don't have to be so formal Y/n, call me Scarlett."

"Okay, well thank you, Scarlett."

"I'll let you get settled and then we can have dinner. How does pizza sound?"

"Pizza sounds great." With that Scarlett left the room.

I still can't believe that I've been adopted, let alone that Scarlett Johansson has adopted me. Let's just hope she's as cool as she seems. I don't think she's a stuck-up celebrity, but people prove me wrong all the time.

After putting down my bag and looking around I head downstairs. Once I get there I notice the pizza is already here. "Y/n, I was just about to call you down," Scarlett says once she notices me. I offer a weak smile in return and sit at the table. "So, tell me a little about yourself."

I grab a slice of pepperoni pizza and reply, "Well what do you want to know?"

"What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?"

"I like to listen to music, I like singing and I play the viola for my school. I guess that's it." I shrug. "What about you? What do you like doing besides acting?"

"Well, I sing a little and like reading."

"Cool." This is awkward. Good thing I finished my pizza, I can go now. "Okay well I'm done so if you don't mind, I'd like to head back to my room now."

"Oh sure," Scarlett replies. She seemed disappointed but oh well. I threw my trash away and ran up the stairs.

You're probably wondering why I'm not super excited about being adopted and how Scarlett is my "mom". Well, family has never worked out for me, so why would this turn out any different? Besides, once she figures out how much of a mess I am she will go running for the hills.

With nothing else to do, I decided to do my math homework. Stupid teachers, I never understood why we have to be in school 8 hours a day only to go home and have to do more work. After I finished I took a shower and got ready for bed. I wonder how tomorrow morning with Scarlett is going to go. Let's hope it's not too bad especially since I still have to deal with Jacob and his idiot friends.


I woke up at seven, thinking that I'd have to try and avoid Ms. Brown again and then remember what happened yesterday. I was adopted. After sitting in my bed staring at the wall for a couple of minutes, I decide to get ready. I get dressed in black sweats and a white shirt. Nothing too special. One, because I have no sense of style, and two because maybe if I look like I'm not trying Jacob will leave me alone.

After getting ready I head downstairs and find Scarlett in the kitchen cooking breakfast. "Good morning Scarlett."

"Good morning Y/n. How'd you sleep?" Scarlett replied with a smile. How does one wake up and smile so early in the morning?

"I slept great thanks. How about you?"

"I slept well. So, I wasn't sure what you liked so I just made pancakes. If that's not something you want, then I'm sure I can make something else."

"Pancakes are fine, thank you." I offer a small smile. I sit at the table and eat some of the pancakes. Once I'm done I grab an apple. "Thank you for breakfast Scarlett. I better go before I'm late to school."

"I'm glad you liked it Y/n. I can drop you off if you'd like?"

"Oh, I'm okay. I'll see you later Scarlett."

"Bye." I walked out the door making my way to school.


Scarlett pov.

After Y/n left for school I couldn't help but think she was avoiding talking to me. I know we might not immediately have a great relationship, but I didn't think it would be like this. It's awkward. I wonder if I did something wrong?

Maybe I'll pick her up from school today and we can go to the mall or something. Yeah, that's what I'll do. What teenage girl doesn't like shopping?


So there is the second chapter. Since I'm lazy I will probably not name every chapter because that takes to much creativity that I don't have. I feel like this chapter was boring but oh well. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Bye losers. 

-Victoria :)

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