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Y/n pov.

I woke up from a restless sleep at the same time I always do, 7:00 am. Today was your typical school day. Wake up, think about jumping off a bridge, go to the bathroom, get dressed, avoid Ms. Brown, grab breakfast and dash out the door.

I walked to school because apparently, I need exercise. On the way there I noticed some of the boys from my class. The same boys that always say that I'm super pretty and that I should go on a date with them, then turn around and say that I'm ugly anyway just because I say no. Good thing I don't care. Some guys are cool, but girls are definitely top-tier.

As soon as the boys saw me, they picked up their pace. Great, now I have to turn these losers down again. "Hey Y/n!", one of the boys, Jacob, said.

I ignored him and kept walking. "Hey, he was talking to you!", Isaiah, another one of the idiots said. I don't know why they always try to talk to me, I mean I turn them down every time. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Almost there Y/n, then you'll finally get away.

Next thing I know I'm being pulled back roughly by my arm. "Let go of me Isaiah!" I said, trying and struggling to get out of his grip.

"No", he replied. "When someone is talking to you, you listen."

"I don't have to listen to anything you say. Just let me go!"

"Are you going to listen to us?" Isaiah replied, tightening his grip on my arm.

"Yes." I whimpered in response.

"Good." He finally let go of my arm.

"You know Y/n if you listen to me, we won't have any problems," Jacob said. "Now, from here on out, you are MY girlfriend and you will do as I say. Do you understand?"

"What no! I will not be your girlfriend, I don't like you or your kind in general." I exclaimed.

Jacob looked over at Isaiah and nodded. Next thing I know I'm being slapped across the face. I looked back at them with tears in my eyes.

"I'm going to ask again. Do you understand?" Jacob said.


We then walked the rest of the way to school. When we got there he held my hand and made sure to show off that we were a "couple". Jacob brought me over to his group of friends and they were jealous that he got the girl. Even though it wasn't by my own choice. While he was talking to his friends, I noticed all the girls staring at me. Like they were jealous? Why would they be jealous? He's not a good guy and definitely not cute.

I checked the time on my watch and saw that class would start soon. "Jacob, I have to go to class," I said, trying to get his attention, and also so that he'd let my hand go.

"Fine. Bye guys. " He waved to his friends and started leading me away.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm walking you to class babe. Just like any good boyfriend would." He replied smugly.

I just nodded in response, trying not to roll my eyes.

When we finally got to my class, he gave me an unexpected hug. Then when he finally let go and I started walking away, he slapped my ass. I turned around and looked at him shocked. He just smiled and said, "I'll see you at lunch babe."


At lunch, I tried to avoid him seeing me and sneak back out of the cafeteria. I was almost there when he saw me.

"Y/n, there you are. Come sit with me." Damnit Y/n, you should have been more sneaky. I smiled weakly and sat next to him.

While trying to eat, he put his hand on my thigh. I brushed his hand off and continued to eat. Then he did it again, and when I tried to brush his hand off he just tightened his grip making me wince. He gave me a glare, then went back to talking to his friends.

Today has already been terrible, I just nothing worse happens.


Well, something else did happen, luckily it wasn't anything worse.

As soon as I got back to Clear Haven, there was a black truck there. That's suspicious, there are never really good cars around here. Ignoring it, I walked inside. As soon as I was about to walk up the steps to my shared room with three other girls, I was stopped by Ms. Brown. I really was trying to avoid her wrinkly face. I swear, she looks like a witch. All she needs is a pointy hat. I tried giving it to her, but she just got mad saying that I was being rude and immature.

When I finally got over the fact that witchy called for me, I walked toward her.

"Yes, Ms. Witchy. What can I do for you today?"

She gave me a glare and said that there was someone she wanted me to meet. She pointed toward someone else in the room. Hmm, when did they get there? When I looked up I was met by THE Scarlett Johansson. I stood there, trying not to freak out. Play it cool Y/n. Don't go fan-girling.

When I finally got over my shock, I walked over to Scarlett and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Johansson. I'm Y/n, Y/n Gray." I'm such an idiot, why did I say it like that.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Scarlett, but you already knew that". She replied with a smile. Which I returned.

I turned back to Ms. Witchy. "So, I met her, now what?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Ms. Johansson here would like to adopt you."

I stood there shocked, again.  Scarlett Johansson wants to adopt me?!?! I must be dreaming. I pinched myself. Nope, definitely not dreaming. I turned back to Scarlett. "Me. You want to adopt me? Why me? Why not one of the younger kids?"

"Well, when Ms. Brown here showed me all of the kids, I was most drawn to you. So, I plan on adopting you." Scarlett replied.

I just stood there, then I finally got back to my senses. "Okie dokie. When do I leave?" OMG, who says "okie dokie".

" Well if it's alright with you, I'd like to take you home with me now."

"Great, well I'll go pack." And with that, I raced to my room. I can't believe that Scarlett is adopting me.


Okay, so there is the first chapter. I feel like the beginning was a bit much but oh well. In these next couple of chapters, we are going to see how Y/n reacts to being adopted and having a family that actually wants her. I don't think I want Scarlett and Y/n to have an instant great relationship because I feel like that's not realistic. I mean Y/n has gone through quite a bit so I feel like having Scarlett try and win her over would make for a better story. Anyways, that's all folks.

-Victoria :)

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