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Scarlett pov.

I knew I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean to compare her new friend to Jacob. I am just worried for her, I don't want her to get hurt again. Maybe I'll talk to her in the morning. In the meantime, I am making sure Rose is going to get here safe tomorrow. I think I'll have y/n come with me when I go to pick her up. That way they can meet and we can go out for the day. 


Y/n pov. 

When I wake up the next morning, I remember that I'll be meeting Rose today. I'm sort of freaking out. I mean, I am a complete stranger. She'll probably hate me. I hope she doesn't though, I think it will be great to have a little sister. 

I head to the bathroom to do my business, then I start to get dressed. I think I'll just wear my sweatpants, a t-shirt and my classic Vans.

I start to head downstairs and smell pancakes. I love pancakes. I run the rest of the way down the steps and slide into the kitchen. I see that Scarlett is there cooking us breakfast.

"Morning Scarlett." I sit at the table waiting for pancakes.

"Good morning y/n. How'd you sleep?"  She started to plate up the food.

"I slept great thanks." I start to eat the pancakes but then Scarlett calls my name. I look up from my plate, "Yes?"

"I just wanted to apologize."

"What are you apologizing for?" I looked at her confused.

"I'm apologizing about yesterday. I shouldn't have tried to compare your new friend to the situation with Jacob. I just want to protect you and it came out the wrong way."

"It's okay Scarlett. I definitely overreacted. I should have just explained instead of being rude to you. I appreciate you wanting to protect me though Scarlett." I replied back, giving her a smile.

"So we are good?"

"Yes we are good. Also, these pancakes are so good. So thanks for that."

"Of course y/n. So Rose will be coming today. I was wondering if you would like to come with me to pick her up."

"Sure, I don't mind. Do you think she will like me?"

"I definitely do. I know she probably gets lonely as an only child so having a sister might just be the best thing." She gave me a smile which I returned. We continued to eat our food in silence until she asked, "Do you want to tell me about your new friend?"

I looked up her and smiled. I started to tell her about Elli and how we hung out yesterday. Speaking of which, I should probably text her.



Hey Old lady. How are you this morning?

Elli :)

Wow, good morning to you too. My morning was going pretty well until you insulted me 😒


I'm just messing around

Elli :)

Yeah yeah, sure you are.
What are your plans for today?


I am going to go pick up my sister. And I'm not sure what else. Hbu?

Elli :)

I don't know, I'll probably just be in the house all day.


Sometimes being in the house is fun. You just have to make the most out of it. You could read a book, or make some cookies.

Elli :)

I guess so. What type of cookies do you like?


I like chocolate chip

Elli :)

Okay, then that's the cookie I'll make. I'll give you some tomorrow at lunch. You are sitting with me right?


Yeah I'll sit with you.
But my friend Sydney usually sits with me too.

Elli :)

That's fine. I want to meet your friends.


Okay cool, well I'll be looking forward to those cookies Elli. I have to go now but I will talk to you later?

Elli :)

Yeah sure. I'll talk to you later y/n <3


A HEART!??!?! What does that mean? Does she like me or something? I mean I wouldn't mind that. She is gorgeous and super nice. And she seems like she can bake.

"Who's got you smiling over there y/n?" I looked over to see Scarlett staring at me from her side of the car. I didn't even realize I was smiling. I guess that's what happens when you talk to pretty girls.

"Oh just my friend. She said something funny." Scarlett just narrowed her eyes at me then continued to get out the car to get  Rose. I follow behind her, waiting next to the car.

After a few minutes, she came back with a child. She looks exactly like Scarlett.

"Rose this is y/n. Remember how I was talking about her?"

" Yes mama, I remember. Hi y/n, it's nice to meet you." She put her little hand out for a hand shake.

I put mine in hers and we shook. "It's nice to meet you too Rose. I was really excited to meet you."


"Of course. I have always wanted a little sister and who better to be that than you?" I gave her a smile and she came to give me a hug.

I look up to see Scarlett smiling at the scene. I motion for her to join the hug and she does. I sigh out in happiness. Looks like I am off to a great start.

Hey guys! Soooo, I have not been posting, that's mostly because I'm a whore. Jkjk. I'm not a whore. But um yeah, anyways....sorry for not updating. I actually forgot about this story and I have been doing a lot of amazing things. I did my musical, and this other small show. I also became the president of the Thespian Toupe at my school and so  much more. Once again I am sorry for the hold up. I will continue to try and maybe updates but I'm not making any promises.

Make sure to keep giving suggestions and your comments. I love reading them. Also, if you haven't noticed, y/n is bi. I changed it. Also, to one of the things I said in the chapters where y/n was at the table with Scar and she said she wouldn't mind choking on something...I'm pretty sure you can gag on a strap if your mouth is used to lubricate it. But that's a lot of information anyways...Toodles!


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