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TW: mentions sexual and physical abuse

Y/n pov.

The ride back home was quiet. I just kept looking out the window, thinking about what happened with Jacob. Once Scarlett parked, we got out and went to the house. As soon as she opened the door I ran to my room without saying anything to her. I hopped in the shower, trying to wash the feeling of his hands on me off. After showering and getting dressed, Scarlett knocked on my door. "Come in Scarlett."

"Hey, so do you want to tell me what happened?"

"No, not really."

"Come on, Y/n. There has to be a reason you called for me to pick you up early. Also when you called me, you sounded like you were crying. Please tell me what happened." I just looked at the ground, not saying anything. After a minute of silence, Scarlett spoke up again. "Alright, I'll just leave you be. Hopefully, you'll talk to me about whatever happened eventually. Goodnight Y/n."

She started to walk away. "Scarlett, wait." She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I want to tell you." Scarlett came and sat on my bed, waiting patiently for me to talk. "So you know that boy that's not my boyfriend that I went to the movies with?" She nodded. "Well, he forced me to be his girlfriend. He and his friend approached me on the day that you adopted me when I was walking to school. They would always bother me and try and convince me to date him, Jacob. I guess Jacob had enough of me turning him down and had his friend hit me. Then Jacob said that I had to be his girlfriend and listen to him or he would hit me again."

"Did you tell anyone?"

"No, I didn't. Why would I tell anyone? It's not like anyone would believe me, everyone thinks he's such a good student. All the staff love him and his parents pay for a lot of stuff at the school."

"Well we will see about that. I'll handle it."

"No Scarlett you can't, you'll just make it worse. Plus, there's more."

"Okay, what else happened."

"Well he would hold my hand, and walk me to class saying that he was being the 'perfect boyfriend' and he would slap my as- sorry, my butt after taking me to each class. When he would make me sit with him at lunch, sometimes he would put his hand on my thigh and wouldn't move it no matter how hard I tried. Then tonight at the movies, he was being super nice. Like it sorta seemed like an actual date, where he didn't try and control me or hit me. But of course, nothing ever goes well for me. He put his hand on my thigh and then he, well he put his hand in my skirt and- I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Scarlett reached over to me and started to bring her hand to my face, I flinched back thinking she was going to hit me. "Sorry Y/n, I was just trying to wipe your tears." She gave me a sad smile. I didn't even realize I was crying. "Did you think I was going to hit you?" Scarlett asked in a quiet voice. I nodded, not looking at her. "I- I would never hit you Y/n. I wouldn't put my hands on you."

I gave her a confused look, "But, you did."


"The other day, when we had that fight because I was being rude to you. You grabbed my arm, hard, and wouldn't let go until I answered you."

"I didn't mean to hurt you Y/n, I was just trying to get you to stop walking away from me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you think I'd hurt you."

"You can't do that Scarlett. You can't just put your hands on me without warning. No matter what the reason is. I know you might not be used to people who have gone through things as I have but people like me, who have been that sort of abuse, it can be pretty traumatic."

"Yes okay, I am sorry though Y/n. I would never intentionally hurt you." I nodded. "So what are you going to do about Jacob?"

"Well he has been trying to text me but I haven't been answering him. I told him I would talk to him later after he forced me to kiss him before I walked out the movie theatre."

"You're not really going to talk to him, are you?"

"Well what else am I supposed to do?"

"Not talk to him. Monday we can go and talk to your principle about what happened and get them to try and keep him away from you."

"But Scarlett, what if that just makes things worse? What if he just has his friends start bothering me again?"

"If that happens then I will transfer you to a different school or something. If that school can't keep the students under control then you don't need to be there. No one is going to do anything like that to you again, not while I'm around."

"Thank you Scarlett."

"Of course Y/n. I'll let you get some rest and then tomorrow we can do whatever you want."

"Scarlett wait, can I um have a hug?" Instead of responding she just took me into a big hug. I held on to her tight and buried my head into her shoulder. We stayed like that for a minute until I finally let go. "Goodnight Scarlett." She just smiled and closed the door.

Maybe she isn't so bad.


Any ideas for what Scar and Y/n should do tomorrow? I was thinking maybe they could go go-karting or something.

-Victoria :)

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