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Y/n pov.

 Finally arriving at school, I start to head towards my first class. Today I had honors in biology, history, Spanish, and my favorite, orchestra. Sadly Jacob is in both my history and Spanish classes. Thinking that if I get to my honors biology class quickly, I'll avoid Jacob until later, I put on my best powerwalk. It was all going well until I walked right into him.

"Hey, babe. You wanted to see me so bad you walked right into me?" Jacob said, grabbing onto my arms.

I brushed his arms off. "No, Jacob. I was walking so fast to avoid seeing your stupid face." I tried to walk around him, but he then grabbed onto my wrists and pulled me closer to him.

"What did we talk about yesterday Y/n? Don't make me do something to you you'll regret. " I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Jacob, I'm sorry can you just let me go now?"

"No. I want you to come with me." Once again, Jacob decided to show me off like I am some type of trophy. Roughly leading me down the hallways and to his friends. Finally, he led me to my class.

"Jacob, how do you even know all of my classes?" Has he been watching me or something?

"I know all your classes because I wanted you. Now that I have you, I will walk you to your classes and sometimes pick you up from them. You will listen to what I say or we will have a repeat of what happened yesterday. We don't want that, do we, babe?"

"No, we don't," I replied. I hate having to listen to him like this. He's treating me like an animal. It's not like I can tell anyone, all the staff thinks he's so great.

"Great. Now, this Saturday you are going to come with me on a date. We can meet at the movies at 6. Okay?"

I just nodded in reply and started to walk into class.

"I'll see you later babe," Jacob says, slapping my ass, once again. Looks like this is something else I'll have to get used to.


It was finally time for orchestra, the best class of the day. I walked in and said 'Hello' to Mr. Williams. He's my favorite teacher, the only one I respect in this whole school. Mr. Williams sometimes helps me out with my instrument since he knows how much I love it. He gives me harder music to play because the rest of the class is not on my level. Maybe I'll ask him if I can eat lunch in here, to avoid Jacob.

After saying hello I grab my instrument and set up. I tune my instrument and start practicing one of the solos Mr. Williams gave me to practice. While I'm practicing, I notice other students coming in. Most people think I'm a teacher's pet, simply because I'm better than them and enjoy playing my instrument. I ignore all the looks they are giving me and continue practicing.

"Alright class, please make sure your instruments are tuned and then follow Y/n for your major scales." Mr. Williams announced to the class. He usually always does this. I don't mind because it gives me a leadership role in conducting, and leading the group. It will help in the future for different orchestras I might participate in.

Once Mr. Williams is finished giving instructions, I check to make sure everyone is tuned and ready then count us off. We start with a d major scale. It's one of the easiest, one of the first we learned. There are only a couple of other people in this class that likes playing their instruments but the people who are only here for credit out way those who enjoy being here.

After the class does an okay job on the scales, Mr. Williams takes back over.

"Today we are going to be working in mini orchestras. And before you ask, no, you will not be choosing your groups." Everyone groans in reply. "I will give you 30 minutes to work on what you can, and then we will present and see how good each group does. When the group is performing, the rest of us will be critiquing what we think could be better and what is already good."

After giving instructions, Mr. Williams puts us in our groups. Luckily in my group, I got two of the better players and one bad. After deciding that I would lead the group because everyone is a bunch of pussies, we start to play. Mr. Williams gave us Boccherini - Minuet and Trio.


The school day finally ended. Now I'm holding Jacob's hand and walking out of the building. Luckily I was able to eat lunch with Mr. Williams and avoid Jacob and his wandering hands. When I was trying to walk away from him so I could walk back to Scarlett's house, his grip on my hand tightened. I turn to look at him, "What now Jacob? The day is over, you can let me go now."

"Yes, I know the day is over but that doesn't mean you can't stay just a little longer. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay, what do you need to talk about?" I asked.

"Where were you at lunch?"

Well, I didn't expect that. "I was in Mr. Williams' class, he asked me to stay for lunch."

"Oh, well tomorrow you will sit at lunch with me. Understood?" I nodded. When Jacob saw his car he pulled me into a hug and instead of putting his hands on my back like a normal person, he put his hands on my butt. I rolled my eyes and started to pull away, then he kissed me. Like on my lips kissed me. Which is gross, I don't want to swap saliva with him. Yuck.

When he finally pulled away I thanked god. I don't know if I believe in him but oh well, I had to thank whatever finally got me away from him. I started to make my way back home when a car honked in my direction. I looked over and noticed it was Scarlett, let's just hope she didn't see that.


Scarlett pov.

I noticed Y/n with a boy. I wonder who he is? I look back over and notice they are kissing and he has his hands on her butt. Well, I guess that answers that question. When he leaves, I honk the horn to get her attention.

"Hi Y/n" I greet.

"Hi, Scarlett. So, why'd you pick me up?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall?"

"Sure" she answers. Great, now I can try and get to know her a little better. I start to drive to the mall.

"So, who was that boy? Is he your boyfriend?" I noticed she rolled her eyes. Is that not her boyfriend?

"He's no one, don't worry about it, Scarlett."

"If he's your boyfriend, I don't mind Y/n. You don't have to hide it from me." I reply, thinking that she thinks I'll be mad that she has a boyfriend.

"I'm not hiding anything from you. He's not my boyfriend."

"But I saw you kissing him and he was pretty comfortable. I mean he had his hands on your bu-"

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Well looks like today's already off to a great start. "God Scarlett I already told you to drop it, so just drop it and drive to the fucking mall."

I just nodded and kept my head forward. I don't know how I feel about her attitude and cursing but, we can talk about that after the mall when she's hopefully in a better mood. 


I feel like this story is already cringey or whatever so if it is, someone tell me. If it isn't then at least I accomplished something. 

-Victoria  :)

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