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?? The system yelled in He Qingyu's mind, "Yaoshou, the big devil and your lover ran into you! Don't stew people!"

?? He Qingyu sits in the office and handles work according to the original body's memory and skills. Fortunately, the original body has good working ability and can start the company, otherwise she can only go to the club to be a young model.

?? System: "According to the fighting power of the big devil, your little lover is not an opponent at all, maybe you will burn paper money for her next year."

?? He Qingyu: "How can Song Tang have combat effectiveness..."

?? Her mind is full of porcelain doll-like little girls sitting in the bathtub, washing herself carefully, and humming nursery rhymes with low eyebrows. It is entirely the image of a little white flower that can only grow in a greenhouse.

?? Even if you become a demon king, it is also persecuted by the original owner.

?? According to the positioning of the system, He Qingyu drove there quickly, less than two kilometers away from the company, and arrived in three to five minutes.

?? Wei Tingwen's car stopped at the intersection, his head covered with sweat, he kept wiping his head with a napkin, and the result was white confetti stained his face... horrible.

?? He couldn’t participate in the war between the two girls as a man. Wei Tingwen looked at He Qingyu’s car. If he saw the savior, he immediately trot over, "Oh my boss, here, on the side of the road. What a bad influence on the company is taken by a bad person!"

?? He Qingyu frowned: "What do I want you to do?"

?? Wei Tingwen showed a bitter face, and showed her the blood stains on the five claws on her neck, "Boss, I work injury QAQ"

?? He Qingyu: "...I will double your bonus."

?? Wei Tingwen:! !

?? The woman's name is Wan Ziyi. She is a favorite gun friend of the original body. She has to find three or five times a week to solve the suffering of Acacia. The secretary's position was vacated, and she was willing to watch her long legs dangling in front of her every day.

?? He Qingyu's impression of her is only the lace underwear on the doorknob yesterday, and the smell of perfume that needs to be eliminated with air fresheners all over the room... In order to prevent Song Tang from thinking too much, she broke up with her early in the morning.

?? Wan Ziyi didn’t know that He Qingyu was not the original owner. She took her high heels with both hands and gritted her teeth and waved at Song Tang’s eyes—

??" Mr. He and I have not had a dispute for two years, so why not spend the night with you!"

?? Song Tang was shocked, she was still in the low-grade fever, back again and again, tripped over the steps "coincidentally" fell into He Qingyu's arms.

?? A pair of deer-like eyes are full of terror, tears are falling down the eyes, she doesn't know why such a cruel thing happened...

?? "I don't... don't wrong me..."

?? Even if it was an excuse, Song Tang's voice was still weak, and the whole person was trapped in He Qingyu's arms, like a scared little animal.

?? She said fragilely: "Qingyu is such a good person, how could he not like you? You must have some misunderstanding."

?? He Qingyu was speechless: "..." Do you think I don't know what you think of the original owner.

?? Wan Ziyi looked silly, and threw the high-heeled shoes on the side of her head.

After The Devil Became A Little Pitiful - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now