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?? Chu Qinghe just disappeared like this, and never appeared again.

?? The only evidence that this person still exists is the snow-white tower in the garden.

?? Yanyue stood under the tower on the day of the wedding, unable to knock on the closed door anyway.

?? She realized that something was wrong, she was in a daze, and her eyes suddenly turned black.

?? The heart seemed to be squeezed deeply by a hand, and she stared at the only window on the tower with her eyes.

?? In a trance, she seemed to see a woman in a snow-white wedding dress with diamonds and waved to her.

?? Wearing a diamond-encrusted bracelet on the wrist, the entire wrist is slender and exquisite.

?? The young woman has a pair of peach blossom eyes, like a white swan waiting to be embraced.

?? Yanyue's wife, she deserves to be so good-looking.

?? The former adjutant stood behind the queen, terrified.

?? "It's about to make an appointment with the media, this..."

?? "Do you need to forcibly break the door open?"

?? Yanyue has always been reluctant to believe that Chu Qinghe lied to him, "Wait."

?? The empress wearing a dress has been looking up, waiting for her beloved to come out of the white tower.

?? Chu Qinghe had already forgiven her.

?? Chu Qinghe has promised to marry himself.

?? After Chu Qinghe had beaten her clearly and vented his anger, he had already begun to smile at her.

??why? why? why? why……

?? Yanyue always didn't understand this, and when time was absolutely impossible to continue to delay, she had to leave the tower.

?? The Queen’s wedding to the Queen shocked the entire empire and the Federation, and re-mobilized the lifeless empire.

?? This new country built on the ruins ushered in the first rays of dawn.

?? Everyone only saw the Queen dispatch hundreds of royal flying machines, the people around her were covered with veils made by top designers, and the little bird was leaning on the imperceptible Queen's shoulders.

?? The salute sounded, all the people flocked to see the bride's back.

?? Yanyue always maintains a polite smile in front of people, whispering a few words with people around him from time to time.

?? Although there are a lot of criticisms about the queen, secretly despising her as the concubine of the old emperor, but when she saw the grand wedding scene, she still closed her mouth and expressed envy.

?? The main roads of the royal capital were all decorated with snow-white veil, and all the people who came to watch also got wedding candy.

?? Except Yanyue, everyone is very happy.

?? Yanyue didn't know how he survived the seven-hour wedding.

?? There is only one robot in a wedding dress beside her. She needs to hold it with one hand and press the remote control with the other.

?? All the whispering whispers that turned their heads sideways are undoubtedly stabbing another knife on the **** heart.

?? She thought she would be stretched, crying in front of all the people.

After The Devil Became A Little Pitiful - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now