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?? Before He Qingyu opened his eyes, he smelled the strong smell of disinfectant.

?? "The sinner who caused so many deaths in the Third Army Corps was embarrassed to receive treatment and was disgusting."

?? "It's a traitor."

?? "The Battle of Blue Iron almost exhausted the country's most elite forces. If it hadn't been won, I would almost think that the commander was a traitor."

?? "If you lose, you can hit the capital this year,"

?? "The Federation has to laugh to death."

?? "Send the commander to the innermost ward, I don't want to pass by her door every day, it's weird."

?? He Qingyu has not opened his eyes and the conversation around him has swept through.

?? "Chu Qinghe, you are responsible for Yanyue's treatment."

?? An older woman's voice blasted in He Qingyu's ears.

?? He Qingyu stood dazedly, and the system crammed all the plot in her mind.

?? He Qingyu is a doctor from the Royal Medical Institute. The patient who is about to take over is the commander of the Empire in the Blue Iron Campaign. In this epidemic, both the Federation and the Empire suffered heavy casualties. The Empire defeated with a weak advantage and held the frontier.

?? The people and the military who have been accustomed to victory for a long time cannot accept this result, and attribute all the responsibility to the commander Yanyue.

?? In fact, there are traitors in the imperial military who leaked the secrets of the march, but because the emperor was afraid of his strength, he did not make corrections and allowed the commander to stand on the cusp of the storm.

?? In the original world line, Yanyue was hidden by the imperial snow, left the hospital before he recovered, and was finally collected by the interstellar pirates. He watched the senior officials and the people in the research institute plan to experiment with himself.

?? And to blame all the guilt on her, if not escaped, will inevitably go to a military court.

?? There is no place for her in the empire.

?? After she became an interstellar pirate, she burned, killed, looted, and committed no evil. The people of the empire had no livelihood, and in the end she could only survive under the pressure of the Federation.

?? The glory of tens of millions of years is no longer, and the proud people have become desperate.

?? And she burned the king's capital in a fire, watching the innocent people lose their lives in the flames, she also poured fuel on herself.

?? He Qingyu smelled a tragic breath.

?? The system said: "Don't look at the timeline that the big devil is a cruel person, but in fact she..."

?? He Qingyu puts his gaze to the end of the timeline. The scene where the Great Devil lost his life with millions of people in *** knows that the people in her heart still have nostalgia for the country.

?? Is a person full of romanticism, but unfortunately forced to live like this by reality.

?? The system looked at He Qingyu's face for a while, and said: "Don't sympathize with everything, don't forget the final ending of each of your worlds."

?? He Qingyu: "You don't have to be so realistic..."

?? When he first came to wear it, He Qingyu was holding those big demon kings, which were obviously the childish thoughts of my little girlfriend.

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