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?? He Qingyu has many beautiful imaginations about the future partner in the real world.

?? But no one imagines that it is the same as Yun Shao...

?? System: "Interview, what the host thinks now, let me have a good time."

?? He Qingyu is sitting in the frame, surrounded by red yarn inlaid with gold threads. The monks outside can only see a slim silhouette. The one squeezed in the front may be taught by the goddess without even seeing the silhouette. The disciple was driven away.

?? He Qingyu felt the strange unspeakable numb feeling on her body, and said, "This is different from what I imagined."

?? System: "Hmm, this is different from what I imagined."

?? He Qingyu strangely heard the Taobao customer service voice in the stiff voice of the system.

?? He Qingyu thought that she would become a poor partner who could not get out of bed without Yunshao. Now she can not only get out of bed, but also go out...

?? He Qingyu tried his best to be euphemistic: "In the view of cultivating to become a mortal without the power to bind a chicken, he can only live by relying on Yun Shao's disharmony with me, which is a bit miserable."

?? System: "...you ruined my Zhengjin revenge worldview, you deserve it." The system quietly exchanged the money earned from selling host mosaics for a few bags of lollipops flavored with dried earthworms. Mixed in the mint caramel lollipop, so that the host knows the sinister world.

?? Yun Shao walked on the side of the sedan chair. As long as she raised her hand slightly, she could open the curtain and see her owner's crimson face with tears, and this picture was only visible to her.

?? Yun Shao is still wearing black clothes, raised the corners of his mouth and said: "Master, how is your body?"

?? The goddess Yingji bit her lower lip and turned her head to ignore her.

?? Yun Shao said in the voice heard by two people: "Have the master thought that one day will be completely mine as a puppet?"

?? The goddess Yingji heard these words, her eyes were suddenly covered with red blood, she gritted her teeth, her fingers clasped her dress tightly, "You beast!"

?? Yun Shao didn't get angry and smiled, "The master has a good rest, and he will appear in front of everyone soon, so that those laymen will admire your beautiful face."

?? After speaking, before waiting for Yingji's reaction, Yun Shao pulled the curtain, put on the veil, and returned to her expressionless appearance.


?? The conference was held in the Lycium Courtyard, the site of the elders of the great Jia Yongge, revealing the atmosphere of a rich man who has nowhere to spend. Although this person is called an elder, in fact, he is only a sponsor of the conference, and a little bit of cultivation depends on it. It's taking drugs to go up. It's better to be respected when you have money, and you've been scolded for being mediocre in secret.

?? This is similar to the Goddess Yingji, both of them are mediocre. The original Goddess was better than the elders of the chant, but now she has become a Muggle with no cultivation level, and she has fallen a lot.

?? After arriving at the place, the frame of the goddess stood up neatly, and the white horse pulling the cart neighed and kicked its hooves. Just a white horse of this size could buy five mountain peaks in the border land.

?? A slender hand painted with Kordan stretched out of the carriage between the outsiders who were watching. The fingertips were almost transparent in the sun. The person who caught the hand was in black, unable to see his face, and had a straight waist. The rod exudes a cold murderous look, which makes people afraid to look directly.

?? The goddess Yingji opened the curtain, a huafa blocked everyone's exclamation in her throat, and a red lotus between her eyebrows was even more open. Her eyes looked curiously at the darkened people, and finally the people around her Follow the prompts to get started.

?? Shen Zhizhen is next to the goddess. She is always observing the situation of the people in front of her, and she has continuous doubts in her heart. Together, she is observing the goddess and the people around her, as well as the woman called "the young master" in the inn. On her forehead There is also a red lotus, which is obviously a pasted flower tin.

?? System: "Do you know that you have been targeted by many people."

?? He Qingyu: "That's right, the big devil is worried that there is no reason to torture me."

?? System: "...Eat a lollipop? Mint caramel flavor."

?? He Qingyu: "Good wailing!!!"

?? The system silently handed over the dry earthworm, and it will poison this shameless host today!

?? At the moment when the brainwaves licked the lollipop, the goddess Yingji felt a sweet throat, and the blood spurted out, followed by a violent cough——

?? The blood stained Yun Shao's skirt red, but fortunately, she was wearing black clothes and couldn't see it.

?? Yun Shao held on to the goddess and said with a small smile: "Master, take a break, are you all right?"

?? The goddess Yingji gave Yun Shao a fierce look, and pushed her away: "I'm fine."

?? Yun Shao stood in place with a smile and condoned the bad temper of her master. In the eyes of others, it was the goddess who treated people around her verbally harshly, and Yun Shao, who was clearly persecuted, looked innocent.

?? She is in poor health and is not suitable to appear in front of everyone. After being guided into the viewing platform by the attendants in the venue, she just drank tea, not even caring about Shen Zhi Zhen Baba Baba next to her.

?? Yun Shao's gaze fell on the owner through the gauze curtain. On the outside, he looked like a suitable subordinate, but He Qingyu could easily detect that she was patrolling herself from head to toe.

?? My eyes are like poisonous snakes, wherever I go, my body is even more uncomfortable under the action of drugs. The goddess has been nourished by her spiritual power for a long time, but now she is attracted by this force and instinctively wants to go to Yunshao. Rely on...

?? He Qingyu: "Tsk, the big devil is so good at playing, the general host simply can't control it."

?? The system sneered: "The general host can't face this kind of problem."

?? He Qingyu Zier Wah Zier Wah: "Fuck you just lift the bar."

?? System: "Laughing to death, our system is a warm, kind and kind baby."

?? He Qingyu vicissitudes of life: "The system, you have changed, you never talked to dad like this before."

?? Yun Shao bent over and whispered in the ear of her master: "The opening of the conference has a routine test session, which determines the status of a school in the arena, subordinates..."

?? Goddess sneered: "Who is there besides you besides me? Get out."

?? Yun Shao said with satisfaction: "The master looks at me from above."

?? From the perspective of Shen Zhizhen, I could only see the goddess and Yun Shao in a flat conversation. In fact, Yun Shao's hand has been rubbing against her in the blind spot of everyone's sight.

?? It's a bit of a small Japanese movie.

?? He Qingyu calmly faced everyone's gaze, with the posture of a goddess head, calm and abstinent white hair flashing expensive light in the sun, making people unconsciously lower their gazes and dare not look directly.

?? Restraint everything is fake, reflected in the slightly trembling limbs.

?? Yun Shao lingeringly said: "If I win, the master will give me a reward?"

?? The goddess said coldly: "When is it your turn to make terms with me, a beast?"

?? The goddess was full of disgust, but all her emotions seemed as fragile and pleasant as a paper doll in her pale face, quite a bit of a lingering taste.

?? Yun Shao giggled: "Okay, then I will pick it up by myself."

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