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?? He Qingyu was put in prison again, but this time she was the only one.

?? It is also the deepest part of the prison, and no sound can be heard, the same metal grid...

?? He Qingyu: "..."

?? This **** is different from what I expected.

?? There is a straight robot standing at the door, no matter what He Qingyu said, this line of programmed AI has no response.

?? System: "Iron door, iron window, iron chain, holding the iron window, I look out."

?? A song of tears behind bars brainwashed in He Qingyu's mind.

?? This system can't be requested.

?? The organization lay down on the ground, completely unaware of being a prisoner.

?? "I feel that my plan is difficult, why did it become like this?"

?? "Could it be that the devil has a special addiction to me? Just like being in prison."

?? The system transmits the battle situation of the big devil to the host's mind, "The Federation is aggressively invading, and the big devil will use limited forces to make infinite resistance. Now there is no time to talk to you."

?? He Qingyu: "...so?"

?? System: "So the big devil wants to put you in jail and take care of yourself, so that you know who is the father."

?? "Don't engage in fancy tricks. In the face of absolute power, your careful thinking is crisper than paper."

?? He Qingyu sighed. She was wearing a white single coat. All equipment was confiscated. Sensors were installed on both hands and feet. If there is any suspicious behavior, an alarm will be issued immediately.

?? "Won't she be ashamed of her actions? Is this the **** right way to treat love?"

?? The system looked through all the images of the big devil in the early stage and came to the conclusion:

?? "The big devil is absolutely focused on career, feelings are only the adjustment of life, and conquest is the main theme."

?? He Qingyu: Then I go?

?? I don't know how long he has been in the dark, He Qingyu was dragged by the collar to a small metal closed room, and a robot appeared on the opposite side.

?? "Hello, Chu Qinghe, I am the interrogator 001 this time, and I am very happy to meet you."

?? "From now on, please answer all my questions, so as not to cause unnecessary physical and psychological harm to you."

?? The stereotyped AI voice makes people feel uncomfortable, and He Qingyu hasn't reacted yet, the sensor on her foot pulls her onto the metal chair——

?? My hands are handcuffed to a chair, and I can't move up and down.

?? Everything happened in an instant, and she had become slaughtered before she was ready.

?? If the interrogator is a real person, He Qingyu will not be afraid, and can still whistle and tease, but the mechanical principle is the realistic carrier of all coldness and rules.

?? System: "Look at other people's AI, then look at me, isn't it a lot more cordial?"

?? He Qingyu: "...Then this interrogation robot is also mentally retarded."

?? System: "You say it again???"

?? The robot stood on the spot, "The first question, Chu Qinghe, are you a federal spy?"

After The Devil Became A Little Pitiful - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now