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? Yanyue is the most unlikely to kneel durian, and it is impossible to kneel durian to die.

?? She waved her hand to let the adjutant leave, and looked around with a sorrowful look.

?? Unlike He Qingyu's expected psychological thoughts, Yanyue is not a person who will be easily defeated by hallucinations.

?? She will panic and feel terrified, but all of this is based on not knowing Chu Qinghe's small actions.

?? Seeing Chu Qinghe as she wished now, she has no reason to be in the same panic as before.

?? He Qingyu floated in the air, watching the big devil politely invite the lady with the black shoulder to dance, his eyes lingering on the other's delicate collarbone.

?? He Qingyu: "..."

?? For a moment she felt as if she had overturned the car, but the bad habit of feeling good came back.

?? The big devil probably wants to relax, not that he doesn't care about me anymore.

?? System: "...Host, do you know why the big devil is the big devil?"

?? It slowly put down the lollipop in its mouth, showing a vicissitudes of life, and paused the cat and mouse that were watching.

?? He Qingyu: "Because it has a great impact on the world of noodles?"

?? The system says more than that, "Because the Great Demon King is an existence that can only be eliminated, but cannot persuade the kindness, it will feel painful and regretful, but it is absolutely impossible to change his nature to a good wife and mother."

?? He Qingyu's view is at odds with the system. In her eyes, the big devil loves her love and lives. Whenever she controls the character and dies, she will fall into deep self-doubt.

?? The system knows that it doesn't make sense with He Qingyu, and finally persuaded: "She is a collection of evil thoughts in people's hearts, black that can't shine through, you fool."

?? He Qingyu did not understand the meaning of the system, and finally suffered so much that after returning to the real world, the system had to delete the memory...

?? Of course this is something later.

?? The system recalled that the host wanted to fall in love with the Great Demon in the first world, which was simply absurd.


?? Yanyue gracefully and calmly danced with the young lady in front of her, and the young lady shyly curled her hair and said: "I heard that the lord has a fiancee, is it true?"

?? Yanyue seems to be specifically about to tell Chu Qinghe, "Yes, I love her very much, but she has a temper and will not show up, I am very worried about her safety."

?? When Yanyue said this, there was just the right sadness in his eyes. Combined with the cold military uniform, it was true iron-blood tenderness.

?? Ordinary people can't bear it...

?? Miss's heart is broken, "It's really a blessing to be with an adult."

?? Yanyue smiled lightly, "I have done a lot of things I am sorry for my wife, and she left me first, because I deserved it."

?? When saying this, Yanyue looked around cautiously, she could feel a gaze falling behind.

?? is Chu Qinghe.

?? Chu Qinghe is in this banquet hall.

?? Although she doesn't know how Chu Qinghe did it, she is sure that Chu Qinghe is testing her sincerity.

After The Devil Became A Little Pitiful - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now