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?? As soon as Yan Qin Zhi walked out of the elevator, he immediately noticed the familiar back.

?? is a back view that will never be forgotten even when burned to ashes.

?? In the impression of Yan Qinzhi, Li Shuxue always dressed neatly, sprayed with the smell of high-end perfume, and still maintained the smell of luxury leather in the closet when he was the poorest.

?? Yes-a person who would rather be hungry and live a decent life.

?? But that person is wearing a rag-like coat, which does not have any function to resist the cold wind.

?? Yan Qinzhi doesn't wear much, her coat is only a cashmere coat, but she always lives in a heated room, even if she wears short sleeves, she will not be touched by the cold wind.

?? Reason tells Yan Qinzhi, maybe it's just a beggar who wants to rub the company's air conditioner, and it can never be a long-lost teacher.

?? But feelings will never allow any-silk hesitation, at the stall that she has not yet reacted to. Has rushed out of the gate, and patted the woman's shoulder with his hand.

?? "Li Shuxue!"

?? This-instant time has stopped.

A flake of snow fell from the sky to the top of the two men's heads. There was only the gasp of these two people in the world.

?? "Shuxue...is that you?" Li Shuxue's fingers unconsciously used force, and tightly grasped the thin shoulder.

?? No need to speak, Yan Qinzhi can already confirm her identity.

?? "It's cold."

?? Li Shuxue's chapped lips turned blue and purple, and a few thin clothes could be ignored in the winter outdoors.

?? She trembled and wanted to avoid the hand clamped on her shoulder, but the most primitive survival consciousness of the body made her call for help.

?? Yan Qinzhi couldn't help but put her coat on Li Shuxue. Regardless of the hundreds of thousands of dollars on clothes that were stained with difficult to clean stains, she took off her belt and fastened her coat tightly.

?? She has only one thin bottoming shirt left on her body.

?? "You don't need to be like this, I don't deserve Yan Qinzhi." Li Shuxue almost couldn't make a sound, her nerves instantly relaxed when she met Yan Qinzhi.

?? The feeling of sleepiness was overwhelming, and she began to fall to the side in a daze, and then she was caught by a person and hugged to a warm place.

A place where warm air flows from all directions.

?? Bright, full of fragrant flowers, a place that resembles heaven.

?? Li Shuxue curled up into a spherical shape, covered with a light, soft and warm quilt.

Her delicate hands kept rubbing her palms.

?? Li Shuxue is really worried that her rough hands will defile her.

?? "Goose Qinzhi..."

?? Li Shuxue opened his eyes-slits, looking around vaguely. This is a small lounge, and on the coffee table in front of him is a bunch of emperor flowers in full bloom.

?? Li Shuxue was electrocuted-so she retracted her hand, her eyes were half open, she didn't dare to look at the person in front of her.

?? You two have lived together before and have been close, and now you are not as good as strangers.

After The Devil Became A Little Pitiful - MTLWhere stories live. Discover now