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?? He Qingyu was confused with the system, and it suddenly occurred to him, why Song Tang appeared in the mad house.

?? System: "As far as you are, I can't wake you up after slapped you twice in the middle of the night."

?? He Qingyu: "..." I have evidence, you are scolding me.

?? The system cursed and showed He Qingyu the night's video, including Song Tang frantically hitting Miss Song Er's back with a corner golf club, as well as the subsequent skillful binding actions and stuffing people in. The whole detailed process of the wardrobe...

?? He Qingyu couldn't help blushing: "So, so yesterday was in public..."

?? System: "You think it's pretty beautiful, Miss Song Er didn't see anything, the big devil wanted to disgust her."

?? He Qingyu: Slightly disappointed.

?? System: What are you looking forward to.

?? Song Tang sees He Qingyu's eyes lingering on his face, thinking that he is wondering why he is there...

?? She lowered her head, her eyes were uncertain, she was really annoying, it was better to interrupt her sister's leg so that she would not be able to go anywhere.

?? Raising his head again, Song Tang showed timidity, his teeth knocked together in fear, his small face was pale, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

?? "I have no intention of interfering in my sister's private life. I'm just worried that my sister would drink alcohol and be drugged..." Song Tang's tears fell without money, and the words were unfavorable: "I will not see you at home until most of the night. Come back, hurry out and look for it."

?? He Qingyu: If it weren't for watching your evening video, I'm so **** softhearted.

?? Song Tang never said how he knew He Qingyu was in the mad house. He only sobbed and cried into tears.

?? He Qingyu couldn't bear to see her crying and wiping tears, so she had to pull the person in her arms, let the little poor boy lean in her arms, and whispered: "Did you see Song Qing?"

?? The beauty in her arms was startled, and said timidly: "I just glanced at it from a distance, and didn't take care of it. My sister, she...looks down on me."

?? He Qingyu: "Be good, don't be afraid, you go home first."

?? Ordinarily, as long as He Qingyu speaks, Song Tang will definitely do the same, but this time the little girlfriend in his arms grabbed her by the skirt, and refused to let go until the joints turned white.

?? Song Tang said with red eyes: "I want to go to Song's house too!"

?? This is the first time He Qingyu has heard of Song Tang's clear demands.

?? She asked the system in her mind: "In the original plot point, has the big devil gone?"

?? System: "I went, and then I was humiliated. The next day Songjia Mansion caught fire and an employee died. Then there was a scandal about Song's workplace bullying. I was interviewed, and the stocks were simply not available. "

?? He Qingyu pondered, Song Tang saw her wandering, and said depressed: "If you make your sister embarrassed, then forget it, I will wait for you at home."

?? He Qingyu hugged the little baby who was curled up in his arms tightly, and kissed her forehead distressedly, "Just take you there, and I will feel distressed if you are right."

?? He Qingyu experienced the feeling of falling in love for the first time. Knowing that he was calculated, he still hugged his little girlfriend happily.

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