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?? He Qingyu asked the system to hide his breath, but because the other party was a big demon, he couldn't completely hide it.

?? The system worriedly said: "It can only help you hide to the greatest extent, and sometimes it will reveal a little..."

?? He Qingyu thought this was not Schrödinger’s hiding, "Sometimes..."

?? System: "Maybe when you were sloppy, or when you were just playing Pillow Princess..."

?? He Qingyu: You can really speak.

?? So there is a picture of He Qingyu standing on the treetop and looking at his home.

Shuangxin stood on the balcony, closed her eyes and spread her demon power to search for familiar humans. Her long white tail flew behind her, exuding a terrifying aura.

?? Shuang Xin thought that a human being could quickly find out even if she hid in the end of the world. As a higher-level monster, she was able to search for it with respect, and she had already given a lot of face.

?? With cold eyes, she threw the swimsuit made of her own fluff on the bed.

?? If this person comes back, seeing this scene will naturally put on a bikini to please her in order to please himself.

?? One night passed, the room was still empty, only glass and tile fragments all over the floor, the little food in the refrigerator was thrown on the ground, and it turned into an appearance without appetite, the kettle was smashed into a hole, and it was crumbling. Standing on the edge of the counter.

?? The original cozy little home, instantly turned into a garbage dump.

?? He Qingyu was fascinated by the tree for a while, and what he saw was still the violent back of the Great Devil.

?? He Qingyu rubbed his eyes and said to the system: "Bo'er, this won't work, you have to think of a way."

?? The system is obsessed with playing cards with the main system. Whoever loses will have a bitter gourd-flavored lollipop. The system said it is not afraid.

?? He Qingyu forcibly pulled the system back and smacked his lips: "You turn on the TV in front of the big devil and play the Korean drama I'm watching."

?? The system did so, and He Qingyu asked it to pull the progress bar until the heroine was swept out and met a gentle male partner, saying: "You have to let the big devil know that her rude attitude can't marry a wife."

?? Shuang Xin squinted her eyes and looked out the window. She could perceive that she was being stared at by an unknown force, but when she looked carefully, she couldn't find anything.

?? Very strange.

?? At this moment, the TV in front of you suddenly glowed. The refresh rate and pixels of the old-fashioned TV were not high, and the picture was blurred several times. It was a heavy rain.

?? The rain is heavy, just like the day when the little fox first met He Qingyu.

?? The heroine who was misunderstood by the heroine who was standing in the rain cried heartbreakingly. The heroine believed the heroine's words and threw everything about the heroine from the window in anger and wiped it with a comb. The hostess's face fell on the ground, leaving blood stains.

?? Shuang Xin's gaze was attracted by the picture on the TV, her frowning brow slowly slowed down, her eyes showed confusion, and her mouth said: "It must be the heroine who has done something sorry for her husband."

?? The woman in the picture tears her heart and lungs: "Why do you use my heart for her! I am also a living person, and I also have the right to pursue happiness..."

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