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Since the last time the body exchanged, Ning Qiuyu often dreamed of fragmented pictures.

?? In the prison, in the locked room, there were even rolling down from the top of the mountain...

?? Every time Ning Qiuyu wakes up from a dream, Ning Qiuyu's body still has cold sweat and bones, and the pain of reorganization after being broken.

Sweat soaked her cold and sharp eyebrows, and her pure black eyes shrouded in confusion and fragility. Her wrists tightly grasped the quilt and trembled, and her back was stretched straight.

Roots—the bones were broken into pieces, the flesh was broken open by a whip soaked in water, and the wound was stirred by the fingers...

?? The big devil held his familiar face, maliciously misinterpreting the meaning, "Why do you feel pain?"

?? Ning Qiuyu was pressed on the bed as the attacker, and his slender neck was held by one hand, which might break at any time.

?? She let out a painful gasp. Pain is a human instinct, and it is strange not to feel pain.

?? The great devil exerted force, Ning Qiuyu's neck made a sound of bone rubbing, "Why do you show a painful expression, don't you like me?"

?? Ning Qiuyu: "..."

?? The main system cannot participate in the dream, and can only watch it while doing it. It stands to reason that it should be extremely anxious to rescue the administrator, but why...

?? It will feel that the administrator deserves it.

?? Probably the process of attacking the Great Devil is too tragic.

?? Too grassy.

?? Ning Qiuyu washed his face with cold water, closed the door and went to see He Qingyu who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

?? The young girlfriend has a sweet smile on the corners of her mouth,-you can see that she has entered the warmth of Su Shi's dream.

?? She sat on the side of the bed, lowered her head and touched He Qingyu's cheek with her forehead.

?? He Qingyu made a small milk sound, stuffing the entire furry head into the quilt.

?? It was quiet at night, and there was still a long time before dawn—for a while, Ning Qiuyu lay on the bed with a cautious mood, wrapped his arms around He Qingyu, feeling the body temperature of the people around him.

?? Ning Qiuyu closed his eyes again, and familiar cheeks appeared in the dream without any surprise.

?? The big devil-waiting for her in the dream, almost-repay-repay.

?? Ning Qiuyu watched as the big devil peeled off her clothes, buckled silver chains on her ankles and wrists, and controlled her movement on a narrow bed.

?? People are knives, I am fish.

?? The Great Demon King reverently knelt on one knee beside the bed, held Ning Qiuyu's long fingertips in both hands, and carefully traced them between his lips and teeth.

?? Ning Qiuyu's whole body is tight, his eyes are unstoppable killing intent, and the whole person is like a tensioned bowstring.

?? "Don't you like it?" the big devil said in a hoarse and low voice.

?? Ning Qiuyu ignored it, besides—the stolen blade was hidden in his hand.

?? He Qingyu did not accidentally see a bubble on the head of this body.

?? "Should I confess to my girlfriend that I was eaten tofu..."

?? Too real.

?? The big devil giggled, "Your hands are so cute, can you cut them off for me?"

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