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?? He Qingyu just said casually, did not expect Fa Xiaozhen to chew on his neck.

?? He Qingyu:! !

?? The ingenious technique of chewing on the rabbit’s skull lies in the sucking and sucking between the teeth and the tongue. It is also suitable for kissing the person you like.

?? He Qingyu's hands were pressed on the head of the bed, and her neck leaned back on the pillow, forced to expose her throat and her white neck, like a swan that was slaughtered by her neck.

?? She can't help being in a trance for a moment, is this the **** in the real world or the mission world? ? ?

?? The system in my brain pretends to be dead, and I can't call it anymore. I'm afraid it's not doing some shameful things with the main system.

?? He Qingyu sees the feeling on the neck becoming more and more obvious. Everyone has a switch on his body. As long as he touches it, he can't help himself. Some people are behind the ears, some are on the inside of the arms, and some are on the thighs. He Qingyu is the neck...

?? Ning Qiuyu whispered in He Qingyu's ear, "I saw you a few days ago and never said clearly that I like you."

?? "We know this and the enemy, the two are family friends, I don't know what the girl wants?"

?? He Qingyu has liked Ning Qiuyu since she was a child. She has been in poor health since she was a child, and her face is delicate. She went in and out of the hospital more than a dozen times. She left the label of her weak body in her long memory, and she naturally wanted to take care of her hair. .

?? The cute, delicate, and sick little girl, who doesn’t like it, this is not the little sister Lin who walked out of the painting

?? Then Sister Lin became the big sister pressed on her body.

?? He Qingyu's heart is broken.

?? Ning Qiuyu continued to rub her neck, sullenly attached: "Qingyu."

?? He Qingyu started, breaking away from the restrained hands, embracing the people around her with both hands, and placing her forehead on the other's collarbone. In reality, she doesn't like the feeling of being pressed on the bed.

?? "Don't make trouble."

?? Ning Qiuyu did not succeed, but was not angry, fingers passed through her hair and rubbed on the scalp of the person she liked. The person in her arms froze first, and then he hugged her more tightly.

?? He Qingyu sniffed the scent of the familiar shampoo on Faxiao's body, and recalled: "When I was a child, I liked you so much. Since elementary school, boys have sent you love letters, which are actually written in pinyin."

?? "But worrying about me, thinking about how my weak sister can be pursued by so many boys, what should I do if I get bullied?"

?? He Qingyu recalled the scenes she had seen every day before, and remembered that she herself is now a thin and fragile sister Lin, very emotional.

?? She always thought she was above!

?? Ning Qiuyu said: "Every morning when I open the drawers when I go to school, all kinds of love letters are pouring down, sprinkled all over the place. When I encounter art class doing handicrafts, the best work in the class must be here. ."

?? He Qingyu's forehead bounced with blue veins, gritted his teeth and said: "Are you going to be stunned?"

?? Ning Qiuyu comforted her frying hair: "Later, I discovered that there were several very beautifully crafted love letters mixed with each other. Every small flower on the pink cardboard was glued by hand, and the stamens were attached to the shop. The most expensive rhinestone sold, with sparkling ink written in it, "I like you""

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