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?? He Qingyu: "Let me explain!"

?? Fang Yufu drilled into Master's neck in fear, like a restless deer.

?? He Qingyu suddenly wanted to die.

?? Fang Yufu began to babble, "Master, she is so fierce and murderous!"

?? He Qingyu complained to the system: "I know why everyone likes green tea, and I like it too. I am a superficial person."

?? System: "I admit that you are superficial, but I don't admit that you are human."

?? He Qingyu: Nothing to Love.jpg

?? Yun Shao narrowed his eyes and condensed: "The master is so Yaxing, the smoke is everywhere, you just look at the scenery here."

?? The goddess Yingji put down the little girl in her arms, brushed her sleeves and smiled lazily: "With you here, what am I worried about."

?? Yun Shao: "..."

?? Fang Yufu saw that the two people's eyes had a reciprocal, affectionate relationship, and did not look at the pink clothes she specially wore. He flew out of the small pavilion in a huff, with first-class posture, disappeared in the sea of ​​clouds in twos He Qingyu, who was afraid of heights, stared blankly.

Seeing that there are no outsiders around, He Qingyu hurriedly pulled Yun Shao to her side, carefully tore off the blood sticking to the wound for her, washed it with mountain spring water, and finally sprinkled her with a special wound medicine worth a lot of money.

?? The wound was torn apart. He Qingyu felt pain when she looked at it, but Yun Shao's face was tight and humming. She touched the other party with her lips and said warmly: "Tell me, I'll be gentle."

?? Yun Shao tilted her head and ignored He Qingyu.

?? The air is filled with the sweet and greasy sachet of Fang Yufu, which adds to the embarrassment.

The goddess Yingji chuckled, focusing on the wound on her hand, and at the same time leaning over to let her little girlfriend lean on her body.

?? She slowly said: "Yufu is just playing around with me. By the way, I will inform the conference about the news. I intend to take you there."

?? Yun Shao lowered his eyes and said coldly, "I'm afraid I can play on the bed."

?? The goddess Yingji's face flushed, and she became angry from embarrassment: "Isn't it enough to have you?!"

?? He Qingyu said loudly to the system: "Listen to what this is called! The big devil is about to break your father and my old waist, and she has no compelling numbers in her heart!"

?? The system took out the lollipop and plugged the lord’s mouth, and said indifferently: "Shut up, driving every day in the revenge world of Qingshui, you are the only one."

?? He Qingyu voicing lollipops, sending out a series of "zier wah zier wah zier wah~"

?? System: headache.

?? Yun Shao coldly snorted, "Except for me, are you going to take your ineffective apprentice?"

?? The goddess Yingji giggled, in the sea of ​​clouds, at first glance, she was more beautiful than the gods in the sky.

?? Yun Shao's eyes darkened, and suddenly he pushed her master to lean against the beauty, regardless of her **** wound, bit her sweet lips again, and the other hand held her wrist to prevent her from moving.

?? The goddess Yingji made a series of rejection sounds, but they were all blocked in her throat.

After a long time, the goddess Yingji was so breathless that she could not breathe, her whole body turned into a seductive pink, her collar was wide open, exposing a large part of her chest, and she quivered with her breathing.

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