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?? The emperor's attitude towards the little lover is excellent.

?? To be precise, He Qingyu is not a little lover, but an imperial concubine who has been enshrined. Although he did not perform the duties of an imperial concubine, there is no limit to the expenses in daily life.

?? As long as you accompany the old emperor to chat a few words every day, blow the rainbow fart, and coax the old guy into his heart.

?? He Qingyu: "It's not easier than being with the big devil?"

?? The system says that you are right, "The Great Devil is going to clear the side of the emperor."

?? He Qingyu: "..."

?? System: "At that time, you are afraid that it will not be a rag doll."

?? He Qingyu's breathing was sudden and rapid, almost out of breath,

?? Minefield Bengdi, she is very good at it.

?? So there are a few more photos of He Qingyu's extravagant life in the circle of friends of the Great Devil.

?? The accompanying text is also: This is life.

?? Yanyue took the opportunity of the federal invasion to obtain the command of the recent seven stars. The officers stationed on these planets are mostly corpse positions. They only know to hide when encountering things, but the soldiers in hand are very aggrieved. There is an urgent need for someone who can lead the overall situation.

?? The adjutant was also in Chu Qinghe’s circle of friends. He was dizzy when he saw the content, "My lord..."

?? In his eyes, Chu Qinghe has always been a good doctor who is dedicated to working hard for the country. Even if the commander is not cold to her, she will never be angry, she will only cry secretly and continue to please her.

?? is a person with no temper.

?? The secret in the adjutant's heart felt that Chu Qinghe should have a good life, and that it was inappropriate to spend his youth next to his adults.

?? Yanyue's face slides the screen like a water stop, and the white silk is reflected in the eyes like inorganic matter, and the jewel rings scattered all over the bed are exquisite three meals a day, and look like the old emperor.

?? Her breathing was heavy, and the adjutant stood aside pretending to be the background board.

?? Yanyue slowly closed the communicator and buckled it upside down on the desktop.

?? She felt in a daze that Chu Qinghe shouldn't be like this, she should dedicate herself all the time.

?? Yanyue can't remember what Chu Qinghe should be like, what he likes, and what he hates.

?? Chu Qinghe has always been obedient in front of her, paying all kinds of pain just to get a hug.

?? Is a person without the same character as a person.

?? The thoughts in her head are numb, and the back of Yanyue's brain hurts, preventing her from thinking about more details about Chu Qinghe.

?? She can only ignore other thoughts about Chu Qinghe in her mind if she concentrates all her energy on her work.

?? She wants to fight the army to the royal capital, and then force the emperor to abdicate. If she does not, she will release news evidence that the emperor's position is not correct.

?? As long as she reaches the highest position, she will be able to regain Chu Qinghe.

?? "My lord, I don't know if I have a problem with my subordinates."

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