15) Clothes (Fluff) TMR

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I was in the warm-ish cold shower. I was feeling the water drip down my body and humming a song at the end of the time I would be in it. I enjoyed the coolness on my skin but wondered if having hot water would be better and how it felt. I turned the water off.

When I was done wringing my (hair length) hair out, I reached out without looking and felt around for my towel. My hand landed in the soft cloth and I pulled in into the shower with me. I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped outside. I immediately looked to the spot where my clothes are. They weren't there. My cheeks burned. We're they serious?


I made sure I looked somewhat covered with the towel and peaked out of the shower room. I headed towards the Homestead.


I entered the room and saw many of the boys, who were mostly my friends. They all looked at me and tried not to look at my body or imagine what was under the towel, but they were failing miserably. Some (Newt and Thomas, which made my anger falter a bit) made subconscious "ooh"'s at the sight. I rolled my eyes. Gally had his arms crossed and an evil smirk on.

I still looked at all of the boys who were glancing every so often at me.

"Where are my clothes?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Like hell you don't! Give them back!"


He reached behind him and got my stack of clothes. I yanked them out of his arms and he laughed. I searched through them. I looked up and glared angrily at him.

"Where is my bra?" My jaw tightened.


"Give it back, perv!"

He rolled his eyes and gave another evil laugh before he reached behind him again and handed it to me. The boys watched this exchange and my cheeks heated with embarrassment. I buried it under my other clothes and gave him an angry look before turning around. I felt the stares of all of the boys.

"You do look good in just a towel!" Gally called.

I looked back in annoyance and shut the door.

Newt/Thomas Brodie Sangster One Shots and ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now