24) Jealousy, Jealousy (Fluff) Newt

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(Note: omg I'm so sorry. I haven't posted in like a month. Honestly, I haven't had inspiration, motivation, or ideas for this book, but I don't want to discontinue this like some writers do. I'll try my best to give you guys more stories. What would really help would be you guys giving me prompts or custom story ideas. Anyways, on with the chapter! This takes place in the Scorch btw.)

Prompt: Newt gets jealous because Aris is spending time with Y/N. Aris also kisses her, which makes Newt lose it.

(3rd person POV)

After the group had taken Aris along with them to make the treacherous journey across the Scorch to make it the the Right Arm, Newt wished that Aris had been left behind. Aris was currently with Y/N at the back of the group making conversation. This angered Newt since Y/N was his girlfriend.

He watched from a distance as she laughed at something he said. His jaw clenched. Since the group decided to have two to a blanket to protect from the boiling sun, Aris asked Y/N to be his partner. She agreed before Newt could intervene. Aris did this in spite of knowing that Newt and Y/N were dating. He wanted to teach him a lesson for moving in on his girl.

Minho was his partner, and he sensed his hatred towards Aris.

"You need to take a chill pill, Newtie," Minho said in a motherly voice.

Newt rolled his eyes in response and peeled his eyes away from the scene going on behind them. He couldn't stop himself from glancing back a few times. Minho understood what was happening.

"Ohhhh," he started. "I get it. Little Newtie is jelly because Aris is flirting with sweet Y/N/N."

Newt turned towards him and growled. This only confirmed Minho's thoughts as true. Minho gave him a smirk. He took this moment to look at Y/N. She caught Minho's gaze and became a bit confused when he winked at her. She shook it off.

(Y/N's POV)

I was with Aris at the back of the group. I would much prefer being with my boyfriend, Newt, but he seemed a little off today and Aris had asked me to partner up with him. He seemed like a good guy.

"One time, back in the Coremeum (hope I spelled that right. Tell me in the comments plz), Sonya had tripped while walking by the animal pen and fell face first into the pen," Aris joked, looking for my reaction.

I laughed at it. I didn't know who Sonya was or what she was like, but she seemed to be a nice person. He had told me she was the co-leader, which is basically the equivalent to Newt in his maze. He seemed to be one of the people that he missed the most.

"That reminds me of the time Minho got drunk and tried to do a cartwheel, but he ended up falling on all of Frypan's food and knocking it over," I chuckled at the memory. Aris also laughed. "I'm pretty sure Fry was going to kill him."

He shook his head while continuing to laugh. He then looked at me strangely. He also stopped, which made me stop. He then dropped his side of the blanket and took my face in hand. He pushed his lips to mine. Oh my shucking god.

(Newt's POV)

I noticed when Aris stopped since I had been watching him and Y/N out of the corner of my eye. I walked without looking and just relied on Minho to tell me if I was gonna bump into someone. He noticed me looking though.

"It's going down~ I'm yelling timberrr~" he sang.

I let out a low growl in response. He let go of his side of the blanket and grabbed Y/N's jaw and made her lips meet him. He's dead. Shucking dead.

I ran over there and yanked the blanket off of them. Y/N had pushed him off and was giving him a look of disgust. I punched him square in the face.

"Newt!" Thomas's voice rang out.

I didn't care.

Aris had fell to the ground. His blue eyes were full of fear. I got on top of him despite Y/N trying to pull me off. I punched him over and over while screaming at him.

"Newt! Stop!" I heard Y/N voice plead.

Only till his nose was leaking blood and he was out cold did I stop. He looked like Gally after Thomas got his hands on him (book reference). Everyone had come to the scene and crowded around. I rubbed my knuckles. Y/N hugged me in an attempt to make sure I wouldn't hit him anymore and calm down.

"Newt, I'm so sorry! I swear I pushed him away..." she rubbed her face in my chest. I put my arms around her and stroked her hair.

"It's okay, love... I know."

Some time later...(Newt's POV)

It was my task to drag Aris around. Thomas forgave me, as he should, and that was his only condition for his forgiveness. I didn't give Aris the courtesy of having a blanket, so I just dragged him. In the sand. Making sure it got everywhere on him.

(After note: honestly, getting sand on you is more aggravating than it should! Reading and writing that ending physically pains me 😂. Anyways, I have noticed that I get more views and likes with smut rather than fluff, so next one is a smut! Love you guys! Sorry again ❤️
Original Publish Date: December 20, 2021)

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