11) Comfort (Fluff) Newt

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   (Y/N's POV)

   Every night since about two weeks of me being here, I had shared a room in the Homestead with Newt. We were best friends, so the obvious choice of my roommate was him. Alby knew how close we were, and he didnt want the other boys to do anything. Alby also knew of my crush on Newt, so that cemented the choice in his mind.

   He always enjoyed us sleeping on the same bed. He would tell me that his nightmares went away with having me there, which warmed my heart. He confided in me easily, and I knew of his past. It made me sad to hear, but I was honored that he trusted me so quickly.

    When Minho had found out he told me, he was in disbelief. He just stared at me. I just said "what?" And Minho just said he was extremely surprised he told me so quickly, if at all. I knew he'd been the one to save Newt, so he knew without being told, of course. He said it wasn't something Newt really liked to dwell on.

      Overall, I was happy just to be one of the people that made Newt's life better.


  When I was done with my day of being a Med-Jack, I cleaned up the place a bit and put supplies back to where they belonged. I dusted my hands off by rubbing them together and looked around at the now decent-looking hut. Then I made my way to get dinner.

   When I sat down at my usual table with my friends, I noticed Newt wasn't there. I was almost always one of the last people to arrive at dinner, and he was always here before me, so it seemed strange, but I assumed there was a good reason for him to be gone.

   I couldn't stop thinking about it as I ate some of my food. I decided that I would go look for him in our room in the Homestead and get his food for him. He probably wouldn't be in the Gardens at this time. I walked up to the kitchen holding my food.

   "Hey, Fry! I'm gonna take Newt's food to him tonight."

   He looked at me and then back at the plates he was still preparing.

  "Alright. Here you go."

   I reached out my unoccupied hand to grab the plate he handed to me. I thanked him and walked to the shared room.

   I saw a light on from underneath the door. I knocked softly and opened the door without waiting for a response. I saw Newt with his head in his hands sitting on the bed.

   "Hey, Newt."

   I gently sat our plates down and made my way to the bed. I sat down next to him and put my arm around him carefully.

   "What's wrong?"

   His hands moved down to his neck and rubbed it. His eyes were still on the ground.

   "Being second-in-command is so stressful, and I feel like I'm not doing enough for everyone."

   He inhaled a deep breath and let his hands fall from his neck. He finally looked up and his deep brown eyes met my E/C eyes.

"Newt, you are a great second-in-command. You are doing more than enough for all of us by just being there," his eyes sadly drifted downwards and he sighed. He was always stressed and tough on himself. He always thought he wasn't good enough, but I helped him see otherwise. I rubbed his shoulders. "We're all lucky to have you."

   He nodded and smiled thankfully at me. I returned it.

   "Thanks, Y/N."

   We both looked at each other for a little while. His chocolate eyes showed so many emotions that I couldn't begin to understand all that well. We kept this up until my face heated up a bit, and I drew myself back to reality.

   "Uh... I brought your dinner," I moved my hand in the direction of the food. "Is there anything else I could do or get you to help you feel better?"

   He seemed to be thinking for a second before his face turned a bit red. He ran a hand nervously though his long blonde hair.

   "Well... can I just... hold you?"

    I was very surprised by this question and I felt my cheeks turn red. My crush thought that would make him feel better? Not dinner, not getting sleep, but cuddling me?

   "Uh... yeah, of course."

   I nervously stood up as he scooted back on the bed to make room for me. I slid into the bed and curled into his side. One of his arms wrapped around me and the other found my hand. I felt extremely comfortable and warm inside. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being this close to him. My stomach had butterflies in it and I felt a bit lightheaded. Newt's head rested on my own. He let out a deep breath.

   "Have I ever told you why you make me feel better?" He asked suddenly.


  He shuffled around a bit and squeezed my hand a bit tighter.

   "Ever since you came out of that terrible Box, I knew you would be the highlight of my life here in the Glade. You always radiate so much hope and positivity that others always feel it and want to be around you. Your smile would be enough to light up the place. You're the reason I even want to get up out of bed every morning and start a new day. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Y/N, and I... I love you."

   During the whole speech, my cheeks were probably as hot as the sun and red as the tomatoes Zart grew in the Garden. When he got to the last part, my heart almost stopped beating completely. The person in the Glade that I loved had just confessed he loved me too. I removed my head from under his and looked into his eyes. He had sincerity in them. I smiled.

   "I love you, too."

   His smile grew from ear to ear. His eyes filled with happiness. I smiled as well. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, and we were both completely happy.

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