19) "You what?" (Fluff) Newt

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    (Newt's POV)

     I was walking with Tommy, and we were on our way to lunch. We laughed as we headed in the direction of the kitchen; soon to be joining our friends.

    I caught a glimpse of y/h/l   h/c hair and instantly it put a smile on my face. Y/n.

   I felt a firm grip on my shoulder not long after I had looked at y/n and looked at Tommy confused. He looked at y/n and swallowed while his face looked troubled.

    "What's wrong, Tommy?"

    He glanced at me quickly and back at y/n. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed his gaze, but it was just normal y/n. Or, not normal.

   "Can I tell you something real quick, Newt?"

    My eyes landed upon Tommy again and I slowly nodded, still confused. He nodded after I did and started pushing me away from the kitchen.

   "Tommy, I can walk..."


    He let go of me and I turned around to face him. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to explain. His hands found each other and they played with each other nervously.

   "You have something to tell me?" I broke the silence.


    He couldn't meet my gaze and instead stared at the floor. I rolled my eyes.

   "Spit it out, Tommy!"

   He looked at me and sighed.

   "I think..."

   He trailed off and averted his gaze again.

    "I think I'm in love with y/n."

    My heart stopped. I felt like my oxygen was restricted. I had told nobody that I was in love with y/n except myself, obviously. But bloody hell...

    "You what?"

    "I think I love y/n."

    I suddenly felt sad again. It was like when I first came here all over again. I nodded sadly and started to walk away.

   "But I love her..."

   I headed in the direction of the Deadheads with tears in my eyes. How could someone like me have a chance with y/n? Especially now with Tommy liking her. Why would she pick a broken boy with a limp instead of a brave, good-looking, strong runner like Tommy? Exactly. She wouldn't.

   I sat down at a random tree that seemed to be... I don't know if this seems weird, but a mother to all the rest of the trees. It looked older and more comforting than the rest. I slid down it and let out my sobs finally.

   (Y/N's POV)

   After lunch, I was heading to the Deadheads as usual. I would usually slip away from lunch early without anyone noticing and go to relax and do what I want away from other Glader's eyes. I actually had a spot. I special spot for me: one where flowers grew, a big tree was, and an echo.

   I suddenly heard the sounds of someone crying and stopped. I listened more and then decided to follow the sound. Hopefully, I could comfort whoever it was. (Author: Btw, do British people cry in an accent? Just wondering 😂)

   I saw Newt under my special tree through the trees. I instantly frowned. He had his knees pulled up to his chest and his head rested on them. I walked forward slowly.


   "Go away, y/n."

    His voice didn't sound sincere and it was cracking from all the crying he was doing. I walked to his side and sat next to him. I hesitantly put my hand up and rubbed his back hopefully soothingly. It broke my heart to see him like this.

   "What's wrong?"


    I pulled him into me. I wrapped my arms around him and he put his head in the crook of my neck. I didn't care that his tears were soaking through the material of my shirt.

   "I can tell it's not."

   "It's stupid..."

    "Nothing that's stupid can make you cry...unless it's a person."

    He let out a light hearted laugh and wiped some of his tears away. He pulled away from me and leaned against the wood once more.

    "Well..." he paused for a while. I didn't rush his words. He seemed to be more calm now. "I really hope I don't go to hell for this."

   I laughed slightly. Why would he go to hell?

   "Tommy may kill me for telling you... but he likes you."

   What the f? Tommy? Tommy? Really? TOMMY liked me?! Tommy? ...Tommy? .......TOMMY?!


    I mean... I didn't like him back... sorry Tommy.

   "Why would that make you cry?" I asked.

   "Because..." he started to tear up again. "Why would you choose someone like Tommy over someone like me? I love you too."

    At this point my mind was just *EXPLODING SOUNDS* NEWT? Newt? Newt? ...Newt? Newt? ................NEWTTTTT?!?!

   I had been majorly crushing on Newt. Hol up, DID HE JUST ADMIT HE LOVED ME? Omg...

    I opened my mouth but nothing came out. He looked at me.

    "But... I... love you too..." I said.

    His face lit up in the most huge smile you ever saw and it was contagious. He pulled me in for a hug and probably just about squeezed the life out of me. I was gasping for breath at the end and he laughed. He took my breath away again by kissing me.

    Original Publish Date: September 15, 2021

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