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Liam wasn't returning her phone calls. Carter didn't blame him for it, of course. He was freaked out. The person she lived with kidnapped him after biting him. But she had to explain.

She decided to leave him one last message.

"Hey Liam. This is like the 20th message I have left you...I know you don't want to talk but there's some things we have to explain...this is life or death Liam. I need you to call me. Please." She then hung up. It hurt, knowing that Liam was out there and some stuff was probably happening to him. It took her months to get used to her heightened senses.

She just hoped he was okay.

The ride to school was awkward and anxiety filled. Carter somehow knew she would no longer have any normal friends. Liam would tell Mason and the others about what Scott had done, and they would never look at her again. She most likely had just lost all her friends due to Scott's mistake.

Stiles, Scott, and Carter headed into the school to find Liam and hopefully catch him alone. It wasn't hard, and eventually they cornered him in a hallway. Scott on one end and Stiles and Carter on the other.

"Liam, hey!" Stiles called out.

"We need to talk." Scott muttered.

"No, you need to back the hell up, okay? All of you!" Liam stared at the three of them. Carter shifted nervously.

"Can you just listen for one second? Please?" Scott spoke in a gentle tone. Liam motioned him on. "Liam...we're brothers now."


"Scott, oh my god."

"Oh god, that's..."

"What are you talking about?" Liam demanded. "We just met and you bit me."

"The bite...the bite is a gift." Scott tried.

"Scott, stop. Please stop." Stiles quickly shut him down, rushing to his side.

"I knew we should of called Derek." Carter sighed and put her head down in her hands.

"You, you." Stiles pointed to Liam. "We're trying to help you, you little runt."

"By kidnapping me?" Liam asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you, okay? Carter and I aided and abetted."

"Excuse-you aided and abetted, I was against all of it!" Carter defended herself. Liam glanced at her quickly before looking away before they could connect eyes.

"Liam, I've gone through this before. Somethings happening to you. Something big." Scott finally found his own words.

"Nothings happening to me."

And then he ripped the bandage from his arm, where the bite once was, to find clear skin as if nothing had happened.


Liam walked away, while the three stood there knowing what the bite healing meant.

Next to the school buses stood six figures. That included, Kira, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, and Carter. They all discussed what to do about the Liam and full moon situation.

"I'm not sharing my basement." Malia simply stated, her coyote coming out as territorial.

"Actually it's my basement." Lydia corrected. "And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time."

"Alright, shes still learning." Stiles immediately defended.

"We're gonna use the boathouse with Carter for Liam." Scott informed them. "The support beam should work if we chain them both to different ones."

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